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From Nassau

--Outrage on the British Flag.--The Savannah Republican contains letter from Nassau, N. P., dated May 20 giving some further particulars of an affair heretofore noticed. The writer says:

‘ We arrived here last Saturday from England, in the fine iron steamer Hero, after an excellent run of eighteen days. Thirty-five miles E. N. E., off Absco light, we were boarded three times by the U. S. steamer Mercedlin the approached us with the British ensign flying too soon run up the Stare and Stripes and fled a blacktops. We at once stopped the engine, when the first officer came aboard, the boat's crew and confirmed to the teeth. After having looked through all our papers, he Captain to go with him on board of the Mercedita; which of course, was claimed. Be there asked permission any to the Captain of the Mercedita, but also that request was not granted.--The officer went on board the Mercedita and with the 2d Lieutenant, and once more our papers underwent a thorough scrutiny; they then told us that they had to submit the matter to the captain, and after a long consultation, they returned once more, telling us that we might proceed. This certainly is in outrage on the British flag. You recollect that the United States Government threatened England with war a few months ago, only because British cruisers had boarded vessels that showed the American colors, in order to ascertain that they were sailing under the lawful flag, but the Washington Government declared that no foreign man-of-war must stop a vessel showing the Stars and Stripes, thereby giving a free passport to all slavers. We were detained one and a half hears after the United States officers had ascertained the legality of our papers.

’ We also copy the following interesting items from the same letter:

‘ The steamer Wm. Seabrook arrived here yesterday from Santee river, bringing us the glad tidings that the Confederates achieved glorious victories at Williamsburg and Huntsville, but we regretted much to hear of the loss of the Virginia. Nassau is quite a busy place now.

The feeling in England is entirely in favor of the South, and on the Continent also popular opinions have greatly changed — almost everybody sees the folly of the attempt to force the South back into the Union.

A Prussian officer of cavalry, who is anxious to join the Southern army, I learn is on his way to the Confederate States. This officer is a gentleman of high connection, and every inch of him a good and brave soldier.

went to sea on a just Saturday. I trust she may fall in with the Mercedia.

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