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$100 reward.

--Ranaway from the subscriber, living in Hayneville, Ala., on about the 17th of March last, Ben a likely mulatto boy, aged about 21 years; about five and a half feet high; weighs about 140 pounds; has a fine set of teeth; a smiling, pleasant countenance, and is prompt in reply when addressed. It is known that he was in Montgomery. Ala., on 1st April, and it is believed that he was in Richmond, Va., about the 24th April. dressed, in uniform, with a sword suspended by his side. He was raised in the neighborhood of Knoxville. Tenn. and was brought from Knoxville to Montgomery.

The above reward will be paid for his lodgment in jail, and information furnished, so that I will get him.

P. S.--He is a pretty fair carriage-smith and a tolerable bricklayer, and it is believed he has changed his name.

William D. Sherman.

Haynesville. Lowndes co., Ala. my 27--12t*

May 19, 1862., my 27--12t*

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