Fatal Occurrence.
--A party consisting of Major E. E. Sell, of this city, David Kauffer, passenger, from Augusta, and three of the crew of the schooner Guide, captured last Saturday night by the blockaders off this port were put ashore by their captors on Gibbs's Island last Wednesday. They remained on the island until Friday morning, unable to get conveyance to the city, and were first discovered by the pickets of Hatch's battalion. The pickets, not aware of any person being on the island, and observing Mr. Kanffer, who was standing on the plazza of the house in which they had entered, fired at him believing him to be one of the enemy. Mr. Kanffer wore a blue suit, similar to the undress uniform of the enemy, and on the appearance of the pickets attempted to run into the house. This, no doubt, caused the fatal mistake. A bill shot from an Enfield rifle struck him in the breast, passing clear through him, coming out at the back. He had barely time to getting the front room, when he fell and expired.--Charleston Courier, 26th.