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The Weak in Venations of the enemy.

--The New Orleans Bee remarks:

‘ What do our readers think of the Federal accounts of the battles of the 6th and 7th instant? Have they not reached an eminence of mendacity that is absolutely stupendous? They claim a victory, and celebrate it by firing one hundred guns. They assert that we lost from $5,000 to 40,000--or, in other words, that our entire army was annihilated. They say they have captured forty-four of our field pieces, and then they can the climax by first shooting off Beauregard's arm, and then killing him for the third time outright.

We can afford to laugh at these weak inventions of the enemy. They are intended to throw dust in the eyes of the gullible populace, who will probably never see the truth. Such fabrications are strictly in keeping with the Federal policy, which is never to acknowledge a reverse, if it can be possibly conceated. According to these precious chroniclers, they have lost no battle since the war began. They were successful at Manassas, at Oak Hills, at Belmont, and would not concede a defeat at Leesburg till one of their Representatives in Congress unwittingly confessed the extent of that disaster. We presume the Yankees are determined to conceal every check they may have to suffer for the purpose of keeping up the spirits of the people, who, we are assured, are chafing under the burdens of a protracted copies, and can only be toothed by being persuaded it will soon be over.

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