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Latest from the North.

We have received New York papers as late as the 4th inst. We find but little news of importance in them, their columns being chiefly devoted to exaggerated accounts of recent events, of which the public has already been apprised.

The vote in the Federal Senate on the bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia resulted, year 29, nays 14--the following persons voting against the measure: Bayard of Delaware, Camille of Virginia, Davis of Kentucky, Henderson of Missouri, Kennedy of Maryland, Latham of California, McDougall of California, Nesmith of Oregon, Powell of Kentucky, Sansbury of Delaware, Starke of Oregon, Willey of Virginia, Wilson of Missouri, and Wright of Indiana.

We make up the following summary of war news:

From Fortress Monroe.

Fortress Monroe, April 2.
--The weather to-day is clear and pleasant, and everything is progressing in the most satisfactory manner. The rebels fired several shots from Sewell's Point last night, on the transports in the harbor, some of the shells falling within fifty feet of a vessel loaded with horses.

The steamboats conveying troops to Newport News were repeatedly fired into from Sewall's Point, and also by a rebel gunboat, this afternoon. No damage was done as far as we could leave.

A reconnaissance was made from Newport News, yesterday, to Watte's Creek, a distance of nine miles. The enemy appeared, speed, strong, and opened with cannon on our forces but their bills passed entirely over them.

Our batteries were immediately got in position and we opened fire on the rebels, when their entire force broke and fled, fording across the creek in great confusion, but keeping out of range.

The object of the reconnaissance being accomplished, the troops returned.

A second reconnaissance was also made yesterday to Big Bethel, when the enemy was found to have returned and occupied the earth works in force.

On seeing our scouts they threw Shellans, the woods occupied by our troops on the previous advance; but they were unoccupied and no damage was done.

It not being the purpose of our advance to engage the enemy, no response was made to their gifts.

There are no signs of the Merrimac yet., and from her long delay the opinion is gaining ground that she will not come out again. She has now a fine field to operate in if she should triumph over the Monitor, and if all, should fail to come out now it is though she is afraid to run any risks.

The English steamer Racer arrived here this morning, and saluted the flag, which was responded to by the fort. Some compliments also passed between the French vessels and the Racer, occasioning quite a cannonade.

From Island no.10.

The following dispatch has been received from Flag Officer Foots:

United States Flag Steamer Benton,
Off Island No. 10,
April 2.

Hon Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy:
Last night and armed boat expedition was fitted out from the squadron and the land forces at this point, under the command of Col. Roberts, of the 4th Illinois regiment. The five boats comprising the expedition were in charge of First Master J. V. Johnson, of the St. Louis, assisted by Fourth Master G. P. Loro, of the Benton, Fourth Master Pierce, of the Cincinnati, Fourth Master Morgan, of the Pitsburg, and Master's Mate Scarville, of the Mound City, each with a boat's crew of ten men from their respective vessels, carrying in all one hundred men, exclusive of officers, under the command of Col. Roberts.

At midnight the boats reached the upper, or No. 10 fort, and padding correctly on its face, carried, receiving only the harmless fire of two sentinels, who ran on discharging their muskets, while the rebel troops in the vicinity rapidly repeated; whereupon Col. Roberts spiked the six guns mounted in the fort, and returned with the boats uninjured.

The commanding officer represents all under his command, from their coolness and determination, as being ready to perform more hazardous service, had it been requited to the fulfillment of the object of the expedition.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, &c., your servant,

A. H. Foote, Flag-Officer.

The attack on Union City, Tenn.

The Federal account of this affair reads as follows:

Hickman, Ky., March 31, via Cairo, April 1.--Col. Buford, of the 27th Illinois, accompanied by his regiment, the 42d Illinois the Douglas Brigade, Col. Roberts, and 400 of the 15th Wisconsin, Col. Heg, (Scandinavian,) all from Island No.10, and two companies of the Second Illinois cavalry, Col. Hogg, and a detachment of artillery — the last two from Hickman — made a reconnaissance in force and descent upon Union City, 20 miles from this place, and, after a forced march of 24 hours, to day discovered a large force of rebel cavalry and infantry, under the notorious Clay King. Our cavalry loathed into the place at a furious rate. The utmost consternation seized the rebels, and they fled helter-skelter in every direction. Several of them were killed, and about 100 taken prisoners; 150 horses were captured, a large amount of forage and spoils, and several secession flags. Our forces returned to Richman after destroying the teats and other property they could not carry away. The rout was complete in every respect, and cuts offian important rebel communication. Union City has been long the rendezvous of rebel spies. The nest is now effectually broken up. One of our men was killed by the explosion of a gun in a burning tent.

’ The rebel forces numbered 700 infantry, and between 700 and 800 cavalry. So unprepared were they, and so unsuspicious of an attack, that when the alarm was given they were leisurely eating their breakfast. This was inconveniently abandoned, and they ran for a train of cars standing on the track near the encampment, and mostly escaped. Colonel Buford burned the remaining cars and booty he could not conveniently carry with him, and returned to Hickman. Parties who accompanied the expedition say that had it been properly planned and executed, every rebel would have been captured.

From New Mexico.

The Northern papers give the following account of the situation of affairs in New Mexico on the 18th of March. We have reason to believe, from information received at New Orleans, that Fort Craig has fallen into the hands of the Confederate troops:

St. Louis, Thursday, April 3.
The correspondent of the Republican, under date of Fort Union, New Mexico, 18th, states that Col. Slough's Colorado regiment of volunteers, 950 strong, arrived here five days ago. The effective fighting force now here is 1,400 men, sufficient to defend this depot against any force the rebels can bring against us. We have stores enough to last our troops three months. This fort is the strongest on the Western frontier, being 570 feet square, with parapets seven feet high, and a ditch eight feet deep and five feet wide. It contains well stocked magazines. Ordnance for the works have been received and will probably be mounted immediately. At the latest advices Col. Canby was still shut up at Port Craig, 250 miles south of here, and the Texans, 2,400 strong, were at Albuquerque, with 20 pieces of artillery, about half-way between here and Fort Craig. Other accounts state that the rebel Colonels, Steele and Raylor, with 1,800 Texans, are advancing on his fort.

The Texans hold Santa Fe, where they have organized a Provisional Government, with Gen. as Governor.

If a forward movement can be made without jeopardizing this depot, it will be done, and an effort made to believe Col. Canby, and thus reclaim Santa Fe and Albuquerque.--Col. Slough, as the next ranking officer, is in command of this department, while Colonel Canby is penned up in Fort Craig.

Kansas City, Monday, March 31. --Advices from Fort Union to the 20th, state that the main body of the rebel Texans were encamped at Albuquerque. Sixty of them had arrived at Santa Fe. It was reported that Col. Canby had captured a train of wagons and 400 Texans. Communication between Santa Fe and Fort Union has been cut off. An advance would be made about the 22d by the troops at Fort Union, assisted by two small batteries, when it was expected that communication with Fort Craig will be restored. All the Post-Office effects at Santa Fe have been removed to Fort Union.

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Wright (1)
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Willey (1)
Hon Gideon Welles (1)
Steele (1)
Marcellus T. Starke (1)
Scarville (1)
Richman (1)
Powell (1)
Pierce (1)
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John Morgan (1)
McDougall (1)
G. P. Loro (1)
Latham (1)
Kennedy (1)
J. V. Johnson (1)
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William Davis (1)
Bayard (1)
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