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The crops.

--The crops of the present year, as we were yesterday informed by an intelligent farmer of Henrico, are very backward both in that county and all adjacent ones, the planters seemingly being apathetic about the matter and indisposed to put forth their usual exertion. So many homilies have been read by the press on the absolute necessity of a full and prompt attention to agricultural duties, that we are not disposed to repeat a "thrice-told tale." It suffices to say, that while there may be enough grain in the country to last another year, it is the bounden duty of every farmer to see that we are on the safe side by making assurance doubly sure. Very few, if any, of the Henrico farmers have yet planted their oats, and the time has arrived for corn to be planted; and yet, in a majority of instances, ground has not been broke for that purpose.

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