General Assembly of Virginia.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Doggett, of the M. E. Church.
Communication from the Executive.
The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Governor, as follows:
Executive Department.
Richmond, March 26, 1862.
Gentlemen of the Senate: Your revolution of the 25th of February last was not communicated until yesterday. I presume this has been accidental, and I allude to it merely to explain the delay which would be implied by a failure to respond to the resolution sooner. The resolution requests me to communicate to the Senate any further correspondence with the Confederate officers relative to State arms, in addition to what has been heretofore communicated.
I have received no letters upon this subject, not deemed by me to be informal and private, which were not embraced in my previous message. Communications from subordinates not coming through the heads of Departments, are not considered official.
John Letcher.
On motion of Mr. Christian, the communication was laid on the table.
Reports of committees.
Mr. Coghill, from the Committee for Courts of Justice — That committee having had under consideration a resolution of the Senate requiring to know what legislation was necessary, in the event of the ratification of the new Constitution, to adapt the existing laws to the same, reported a bill providing for the annual sessions of the Legislature; a bill authorizing county and corporation courts to fill, pro tempore, vacancies in certain offices; in the event of the adoption of the new Constitution; a joint resolution requiring the Auditor and other State officers to make annual reports in the event of the ratification of the new Constitution; a joint resolution authorizing a committee of both Houses to sit during the recess of the General Assembly, and prepare such bill, as might seem necessary to adapt the present laws to the new Constitution.The following bills were also reported from other committees:
House bill amending the charter of the town of Union, Monroe county, with amendments.
House bill for the encouragement of the production of salt from sea water; with the recommendation that it do not pass.
House bill incorporating the Victoria Mining and Manufacturing Company.
House bill making South Anna river a lawful fence; with the recommendation that it do not pass.
By Mr. Whittle:Resolved, by the General Assembly. That the Senators from this State in the Confederate Senate be instructed, and the Representatives in the House of Representatives be requested, to use their best endeavors to procure the passage of such laws as may be necessary to carry into execution the ordinances of the Convention of this State, passed on the 17th and 30th of April 1861--the first entitled "An ordinance to call the volunteers into the service of the State, and for other purposes;" the second entitled "An ordinance concerning persons in the revenue and coast survey service of the United States"--so that the assurance given by said ordinances to Virginians in the army and navy of the United States may be made effectual. Lord over under the rules.
By Mr. Collier:
Resolved. That the Governor be and he is hereby requested to communicate to the General Assembly, if he is informed, and if he is not, to ascertain in the promptest way, for the purpose of communicating, how many troops, of all arms, have been engaged for three years or the war in the Confederate service from this State. Adopted.
By Mr. Garnett:
Resolved, by the General Assembly, That the Board of Exemptions in the different counties, cities, and towns of the Commonwealth, be authorized to exempt, in addition to those already exempted by law, two moulders or workers in cast-iron, and one worker in wood in every manufactory of plows and other agricultural implements in which iron castings are made. Laid over.
By Mr. Isbell:
Resolved, That the Committee on Banks inquire what legislation, if any, is necessary to enable such banks and insurance companies as may have removed their assets from places occupied by the public enemy, to resume operations at such other places within the State as the respective Boards of Directory of said banks and insurance companies may select, and report by bill or otherwise.--Adopted.
A message was received from the House of Delegates, insisting upon their amendments to the tax bill, and asking for a committee of conference.
Mr. Brannon moved that the proposition be concurred in. The motion prevailed, and thereupon the chair appointed the following committee: Messrs. Brannon, Robertson, Day, Thomas of Henry, and Urquhart.
Coupon bonds.
On motion of Mr. Brannon, the resolution authorizing C. W. Purcell & Co. to convert certain coupon bonds held by them into the registered debt of the Stage (or other coupons) was taken up.Mr. Brannon moved to amend the resolution by including Messrs. R. H. Maury & Co. The amendment was agreed to, and the question being on the adoption of the resolution, it was lost for the want of a constitutional majority — ayes 19, noes 18.
On motion of Mr. Coghill, the rules were suspended in order to allow him to take up the several bills and resolutions reported by him from the Committee for Courts of Justice, (above mentioned.) The motion was agreed to, and the bills were advanced to their third reading and passed. The resolution requiring the Auditor and other State officers to make annual reports, was adopted. The resolution authorizing a joint committee to sit during the recess of the Legislature, was indefinitely postponed.
Bills passed.
Providing for the annual session of the Legislature; authorizing County and Corporation Courts to fill vacancies in certain offices; incorporating the Roanoke Insurance Company; relieving John H. Haskins, Sheriff of Amelia, and his sureties.It was resolved that the Senate to-day-take a recess from 8 to a quarter to 8 o'clock, and that on and after to morrow they meet at 10 o'clock A. M., and take such recess.
Small notes.
The bill to authorize certain cities and towns to issue small notes was taken up, on motion of Mr. Robertson, and pending the consideration of the same, the hour of 8 o'clock arrived, and the chair was vacated until 7½ o'clock.