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--Thos. H. Clarke was brought before the Mayor yesterday, charged with the larceny of Franklin Minor's watch. It was in proof that Minor went into the Ballard House bar-room one night last week to get a drink. That as soon as he got in he was knocked down by some fellow who was then and there pretty freely distributing his blows to all within reach. Clarke and Minor were afterwards approaching the bar when some other party pushed both down. In falling Minor's watch fell out of his vest pocket on the floor and it was picked up by Clarke, who after holding it up left the room. He was drunk at the time. The next day on being accosted he readily acknowledged that he had taken it, but said that being drunk he did not know what he was doing. He offered to return the watch, and did so, but in the meantime a policeman having been sent for deemed it his duty to take him in custody. In the absence of felonious intent the Mayor acquitted the accused.

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