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General assembly of Virginia.


Saturday, Feb. 15, 1862.

The Senate was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Peterkin, of St. James Churce.

Communications from the Executive.

The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive inviting attention to a communication from the President of the Auditing Board and a resolution accompanying it; also, a correspondence between the Acting Quartermastter General of Virginia, and the Quartermaster General of the Confederate Government. The correspondence and the resolution relate to the transfer of property, by officers of Virginia, to similar officers in the Confederate service. The object is to have some legislative action to to Virginia the credit due to her in the settlement of her accounts with the C. S. A. for all property purchased by her authorities, which has been turned over to and received by proper officers of the C. S. A. for their use and benefit. Lald upon the table and ordered to be printed.

The President also laid before the Senate a comunication from the Executive, enclosing a communication from the President of the State Convention of North Carolina and an ordinance of that body to incorporate the Predmont Railroad Company. Referrred to the Committee on Roads.

Deays of Gen. Boggs.

A third communication was received from the Executive announcing the death of Brigadier James Boggs, commanding the 18th brigade of the Virginia militia, and requesting the Legislature to fill the vacanoy. The Governor says. ‘"In making this communication, I would be unfaithful to the obligations of personal friendship if I did not bear cordial testimony to his integrity, his unsullied honor, and his devoted patriotism. He filled various public trusts, and dicharged their duties with scrupulous fidellty,"’ Laid upon the table.

Bailway connection.

The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished business of yesterday. viz; the House bill authorizing a railway connection between Fredericksburg and Manassa.

Mr. Early addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill, and was followed by Mr. Ceristian, of Augusta; on the same side.

Mr. Brannom and others advocated the passage of the bill.

The amendments offered to the bill were rejected, and before disposing of the subject,

The Senate adjourned.

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