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--$10 Reward.--Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 3d inst., my slave woman Parthena. Had on a dark brown and white calico dress. She is of a ginger-bread color; medium size; the right fore-finger shortened and crooked, from a whit I think she is harbored somewhere in or near Duvall's addition. For her delivery to me I will pay $10.

Left my premises, about three months since, my negro slave Hanover, who is lame of both feet. He is a first-rate cook; worse well in a garden, and is fond of drink. He was heard to say he was going to work for the soldiers, who may have employed him, under the belief he was free, and may now be in some camp, as be has not been heard from for several weeks. I will give $5 for his delivery to me, if taken in this city, or, if more than ten miles away, I will pay $20.

de 6--ts G. W. H. Tyler.

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