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Great fire in Charleston.
terrible loss of property.
Great Distress and Suffering.
list of property destroyed.
&c., &c., &c.

The fearful conflagration that has just passed over the city of Charleston will cause the 11th and 12th of December, 1861, hereafter to be remembered as one of those dark and trying periods which for the moment seem to paralyze all their long-cherished hopes and bright anticipations of the future. We have received Charleston papers of the 13th inst., bringing full particulars of the great fire in that city — the loss of property, list of sufferings, &c. The elaborate telegraphic report which appeared in our columns on Friday last gave an account of the progress of the fire up to 5½ o'clock, A. M., Thursday. The Charleston Mercury, of the 13th inst., (Friday,) furnishes us with the following additional particulars:

‘ "Yesterday was a gloomy day for Charleston. Business was universally suspended, and, with one impulse, our community united in giving sympathy and aid to the victims of the great public calamity.

Our report, in our last issue, of the progress of the fire closed at quarter past five o'clock on yesterday, when the majestic spire of the Cathedral had just tottered and crashed heavily through the burning roof. From that time the disaster may be said to have assumed a new phase. The flames leaped madly across Broad street, and, forsaking the business neighborhoods which they had already desolated, they seemed to devote their whole fury against the elegant private residences which have so long been the pride of the southwestern portion of our city. As these beautiful homesteads succumbed, one after another, to the resistless march of the destroying element, the scene was awful.

’ The fire advanced steadily onward, stopping only, when having reached the river, it had nothing more to burn. We give some notes of the disastrous results:

The Cathedral of St. Finbar.

This splendid structure, built only about eight years ago, was justly rated one of the finest architectural ornaments of our city.--It was constructed of brown stone, in a very massive and costly manner. All the sacred vessels were saved. The Bishop's residence, attached to the Cathedral, contained a rare and valuable library, a portion of which was saved.

The Circular Church.

The site recently occupied by the Circular Church was formerly, in the memory of many of our old citizens, the lotus in quo of a brick church, known as the ‘"White Meeting."’ It had its origin coevally with the settlement of the city in 1680. The congregation was originally Presbyterian, but probably united both Congregationalists and Presbyterians. In 1734 the latter separated and commenced worship in a new wooden edifice, on the site of the present ‘"Scotch Church."’ The pulpit has been filled for a period of 175 years, by seventeen pastors, commencing with the Rev. Messrs. Pierpont, Adams, and Cotton, in the latter fifteen years of the 17th century, and followed by the Rev. Stobo, Livingston, Bassett, Parker, Smith, Edmonds, Hutson, Bennett, Thomas, Tenent, Hollingshead, Keith, Palmer, and Post.

On the 25th May, 1806. the new building was opened for the first time, with appropriate religious exercises. The new building was circular in form, and 88 feet in diameter. In 1838 the addition of a lofty spire, 182 feet high, added to the appearance of the building.

A few years since, the Church was entirely renovated, at an expense of $20,000, rendering it one of the most beautiful and consistently arranged of our city places of worship. The numerous tablets were re set — the old fashioned pulpit gave place to the more appropriate rostrum — the pews were re-arranged, and the manner of lighting the entire building, from the centre of the dome, secured a soft and equally diffused light. The building is a total loss.

The Cumberland Street (Methodist) Church.

This was a plain, substantial structure, affording commodious apartments for their large congregation, with galleries and basement rooms for a very large slave membership. It was swept away in the great fire of 1838, and rebuilt soon after. It is again entirely destroyed.

St. Peter's (Episcopal) Church.

This building was located on Logan street, between Broad and Tradd streets — was a neat and well arranged edifice, with ground floor and galleries. The congregation is quite a full one, and it has been for some time past under the rectorship of the Rev. Mr. Prentiss. It is entirely destroyed.

The friends' Meeting House.

This unpretending structure on King street south of Queen street, was burned to the ground.

The St. Andrew's Hall.

This well known and historic building, in which the Convention of the People of South Carolina held its sittings and agreed upon the Ordinance of Secession, on the 20th of December of last year, is now in ruins. The walls are standing, but the interior is entirely consumed. We learn that the splendid full-length portrait of Queen Victoria, by an eminent artist, which has always been considered one of the attractions of the room, as well as the portraits of Tunno, Robertson, King, and others, were removed in time.

Institute Hall.

This magnificent hall, the largest in the South, is lost to us, and we feel sure that it will be seriously missed — connected as it was with the popular heart by the fact that within its walls the first uprisings of the people of Charleston in this revolution had utterance; and, more than all, because the Ordinance of Secession was ratified there. Those who, but a short year ago, were witnesses of those soul stirring scenes which ended in secession, will deeply regret the demolition of the Institute.

The Express building.

The office of the Southern Express Company was burned to the ground, and a large quantity of miscellaneous goods was lost. The Express office will, we learn, be re-opened in Meeting street, opposite the Charleston Hotel, in a few days.

The Savings' Bank.

This institution is a sufferer to the extent of its convenient office; all the papers, books of accounts, records, &c., were saved. We regret to hear that the Treasurer, Henry S. Griggs, Esq., who resided on the premises, lost all of his household furniture, and a portion of a very valuable collection of paintings, which he had been collecting for some years.

The Apprentices' Library.

Is, we learn, a total loss. To no one will this be more distressing, than to the octogenarian gentleman, Dr. Jos. Johnson, under whose care the Society has been for so many years. In addition to this, the Doctor is, we believe, himself a sufferer by the conflagration.

Cameron & Co.'s "PhŒNix iron Works."

This extensive foundry and machine shops is again in ashes, being the second time in the last ten years that its energetic and popular proprietors has been visited with fire. The entire premises are in ruins, including large quantities of shot, shell, and other ordnance stores, ready for delivery to the Confederate Government, amongst which were valuable and improved machinery for rifling cannon, making percussion caps, &c. The powerful steam fire engine which was prominently at work during the conflagration at different points, was built at this establishment. We sincerely trust that our stalwart friend and his co-workers will soon, phœnix-like, arise from their ashes, and overcoming all obstacles, furnish another illustration of their ability to meet the most disheartening reverses with manly fortitude.


Capt. Steedman Yeadon did yeoman's service at the fire as engineer. He handled the powder with marked success, and in almost every instance where the operation of blowing up houses was performed, the most complete success was the result. In this hazardous work he was assisted by Capt. J. E. Bowers, who was injured, we regret to say, about midnight, and was taken home by his friends. We trust he is but slightly injured.

One of the most gratifying incidents of the fire of Wednesday night, was the zeal manifested by our slaves, in their efforts, as firemen and laborers. The entire colored population, male and female, worked most earnestly; and not unfrequently, masters and their slaves could be seen working together in removing the household goods and valuables. We noticed one instance particularly, where a white-haired old body servant was giving way to his feelings — sobbing bitterly — at the loss of the ‘"family mansion, where we been libbin all our lives."’

The Sweep of the conflagration.

The following is the course of the fire from Cameron's foundry:

‘ On East Bay the fire extended, on the East side from the residence of Mr. J. S. Bird to the corner of Market street, burning out Mr. Henry Smyzer, Mr. C. M. Heissenbuttle, Dr. Pritchard, Mr. Jacobson, and sundry others. On the West side from Mr. Geo. Kinloch's to the Southwest corner of Market street, inclusive, was destroyed.

On Pritchard street the property of Mr. Jno. Torrent, Mr. Tavel, Mr. Artope, Mr. Cordray and others, was consumed.

On Market street, from East Bay to Church street, south side, was destroyed.

On Anson street, east and west side, from Claussen's Mills south, sundry buildings were destroyed, to Market street. Clanssen's fine flour mills were most fortunately preserved.

On State street, on either side, the flames spread destruction from Market to Cumberland. Cumberland street to Meeting, inclining its elongation, Horibeck's Alley, to King street, is in ruins. Church street, from the corner of Market to Cumberland street, is also burned. Linguard street, with its sundry little tenements and many occupants, was completely destroyed.

’ Meeting street, on the east side, from the Ice House near. Market street to Mr. Kennedy's tailoring establishment, opposite the Mills House, and from the Theatre, on the west side, to the Mills House, is in ashes. This range included the Circular Church, Institute Hall, Theatre, Apprentices' Library, Palmetto Savings Institution, Art Association, Charleston Savings Institution, and the flue residences of Dr. Rodriguez, Dr. DeSaussure, and Dr. North. The Mills House most fortunately escaped with little damage.

Queen street was laid in ashes from Digben's stables, north side, east of Meeting st., to the school of the Sisters of Mercy, near Mazyck street, and on the south side from Meitzler's Globe Hotel to Mr. Jabez Norton's residence, midway between Mazyck and Franklin.

The fine building owned by the Sisters of Mercy was fortunately preserved by the most strenuous efforts of the firemen, who blew up several buildings for this purpose.

Archdale st., from the Unitarian Church, on the east side, and from Mr. Thos. Ryan's, on the west side, to Queen, was destroyed.

King street, from Horibeck's alley, on either side southward, save the buildings on each corner, were destroyed — on the east side to the Quaker Meeting House, on the west side to Mr. Melcher's bakery, near Broad street.

Broad street was destroyed — commencing with St. Andrew's Hall on the north side, to the residence of Dr. Wragg inclusive, corner of Franklin street. In this range are included the fine residences of Bishop Lynch, Geo. M. Coffin, Mr. J. Balleyward, Postmaster Huger, Miss Bowman, John Laurens, Dr. Mazyck, Captain Rutledge, and John Bounell. On the south side the fire raged from Mr. C. F. Levys, opposite the Cathedral, to Mr. Seabrook's extensive west end, destroying all, save the house standing on the corner of New street, and Mr. Huguenin's brick residence below Savage.

Mazyck street, from Queen to Broad, East and West, is laid low.

Short street, running from Mazyck street to Franklin, was laid in ashes, including the handsome residences of Mr. Middleton, Mr. McKay, Mr. Graveley, and Mr. Williams.

Logan street was entirely destroyed, except one dwelling on the East side near Tradd.

New street and Savage street are left with out a landmark, save the brick chimneys of the handsome dwellings which recently adorned that section.

The residences on Tradd street from Logan to Savage, on either side, with Greenhill, Limehouse and Council streets, are, with one or two exceptions, all in ruins.

The Courier, of Friday, the 13th inst., gives the following particulars:

‘ We have been visited by one of those mysterious dispensations of Providence which we cannot attempt to solve. Our city has received a terrible blow, which it will take the work of years to repair. Let us nerve ourselves then for another start, thankful that we are still left with the same bold spirit and strong arms to make new, and perhaps more substantial, prosperity for our beloved city.

As was apprehended at the time of closing our brief report Wednesday night, the flames continued to increase in virulence and with the scarcity of water seemed to defy all human efforts to arrest them. Keeping on in a south westerly course, the roaring element rushed through almost like forked lightning, and commenced a work of destruction on Queen and King streets truly terrible. Roof after roof fell in; the fire rushed out of the windows and lapped round the buildings, presenting an awfully sublime appearance.

All of a sudden it was announced that beautiful architectural structure, St. John's and St. Finbar's Cathedral, was in flames.--The pride of that portion of our city was doomed to destruction, and its beautiful spire soon fell with a terrific crash, sounding high above the noise of the devouring flames.

The fire rapidly extended to both sides of Broad street, igniting several fine mansions near the corner of Logan and Mazyck streets, and including that time-honored structure in Broad street, St. Andrew's Hall, which, in a short time, had nothing standing but the bare walls. The flames spread right and left, destroying and making a clean sweep of fine residences in Logan, New, Savage, Mazyck, and the lower end of Broad streets. Nor could the work of destruction and desolation be stayed had it not been that the fire exhausted itself for want of material.

Having crossed the city from the Cooper to the Ashley, the flames seemed to make one last desperate struggle for existence in enveloping the large mansion of Mr. Wizard Bull at the foot of Tradd street, and then yielded to its fate, sending its dying hisses, as though scorning the powers that so gallantly resisted his progress.

The loss of property has been variously estimated at from five to seven millions of dollars.

We have endeavored to obtain a correct list of houses consumed, with the name of the owner and occupant. First, we will commence with the place where it was first discovered, issuing from the sash and blind manufactory of W. P. Russell & Co., foot of Hasell street, North side.

Mr. Russell thinks it the work of an incendiary. The establishment had been closed, and the furnace of the boiler covered with water before the men left. The proprietor did not leave for an hour and a half or more after the workmen. When he left everything was in order, and no sign of fire or anything approaching to it. In about an hour and a half afterwards Mr. Russell heard the alarm of fire, and learned that his establishment was on fire. From these circumstances he infers that the fire was set, or was the result of carelessness on the part of a number of country negroes who had been quartered under an old shed adjoining the establishment, in allowing their camp fire to get ahead of them.

The building and stock of Russell & Co. were valued at $20,000--insured for $10,000 in Charleston. The insurance is equally distributed between the Charleston companies.

Messrs. Cameron & Co.'s loss is a severe one. The establishment embraced some eight buildings, namely, an office, an erecting shop, machine and fitting shop, a foundry and blacksmith shop, two boiler shops, a pattern store room and natron room. The stock of material on hand for the establishment, and for Government purposes, was not less than $200,000. We have not learned what insurance there was upon the stock or buildings.

Smyser & Cordray, machine shop and dwelling. Insured for $4,000.

L. E. Cordray, dwelling house and machine ship, worth $5,000, insured for $2,000.

James Marsh, store-house, on Concord street. No insurance.

Messrs. Lockwood and Johnson are but slightly damaged, about $500 covering their losses.

’ Pritchard Street.--South Side.--The following were the sufferers on this street:

Thomas Cordray, two-and-a-half story wooden dwelling. Francis Police, three two-and-a-half story wooden dwellings, occupied by Messrs. N. Yokage, P. Sullivan and Henry Dinget, the latter loosing all their furniture.

North Side.--Two boiler shops, Cameron & Co. Dwelling house of James Artope. Dwelling house of Henry Smyser. Dwelling house of A. R. Tavei. Dwelling house of John Torrent. Dwelling house of T. J. Cumming.

East. Bay--East Side--Two and a half story wooden building, trust estate of Thos. Garraty; occupant, Thos. Whiley, tailor. Three story wooden dwelling, owned by N. Benoist, occupied by John S. Bird. A two story wooden dwelling, owned by James M. Stocker, occupied by Henry Smyser. Two story wooden house, owned by estate of Wm. Patton, occupied by Carl M. Heissenbuttel. Three story mansion of Dr. Pritchard; entirely consumed; partially insured. McCabe & Hanckel's State Cotton Press. Value of building and machinery $90,000. At the time of conflagration there was 300,000 pounds of Sea Island cotton in the seed, worth about $15,000, and belonging to Edisto and John's Island planters. No insurance on the cotton. Cotton Press insured for $23,000. Also, 52 bales Upland cotton covered by insurance. Two story wooden house, owned by estate of Margaret Munro, occupied by Henry Jaccobson. Two story wooden dwelling, owned by James Thompson, and occupied by H. Goodman. Two story wooden dwelling, owned by same, and occupied by John Antony. Three story brick basement house, owned by the estate of James Marsh, and occupied by Adeline Galliot and John Sullivan. Two and a half story house, owned by Mr. E. Bull, and occupied by the same.

West Side.--Three story brick mansion, owned and occupied by Miss Harriet Pinckney. Three story brick residence, owned by M. D. Hyams, and occupied by George O'Neill. Three story brick dwelling house and grocery store, owned and occupied by Henry Gridts. Two story wooden building, owned by Henry Gridts, and occupied by John D. Leseman. Two story wooden building, owned by John F. Schaffner, occupied by F. W. Wagner. Two story house, owned by Dr. J. F. Schaffner, occupied by P. Rinsett. Two story wooden houses, owned by F. Shulken, occupied by John R. Haseloop.--Two two story houses, owned by A. J. White, and occupied by Jacques Gotti and Ferdinand Christman. Two story wooden house, occupied by Thomas O'Sullivan. Two story house, owned by Ann Francis. Two story wooden building, owned by Catherine Pritchard, occupied by E. C. Pritchard. Ware-house, occupied by O. J. Chaffe. Two three story houses, owned by George Kinloch.--One two story house, owned by Jos Guy, occupied by E. de Purtel. One two story house, owned and occupied by Z. Miller, slightly damaged.

’ Market Street--West Side.--The following were the sufferers on Market street:

‘ --Chisholm, five houses, occupied by Fred. Turk, Margaret Slavern, D. L. McCarthy, A. Robins, Martin Bennett, and others; A. Bia; A. Canale; R. Brodie, three houses, occupied by Louis Schucerte, Joseph Pattinl, and Frank Barton; Wm. Aiken, nine houses, occupied by Wm. Marche, Sylvester Jancovich, Leonardo Mal Baptiste Pattani, James Congrobe, Wm. Englert, and Jacob Reils.

’ Coerce Street.--The following were the principal sufferers in Church street.

C. L. Blase, Dr. Francis Y. Porcher, Charleston Gas Light Works, John Stellas, John Malony (four houses consumed,) John D. Kennedy, Wm. Alken, G. W. Williams & Co., (store house) Wm. Hockaday, (stables,) Margaret Fitzpatrick, Dr. John Oberhausser, Roger Gannon.

Anson Street.--The following are the principal sufferers in Anson street:

Henry Trescot, Chas. Clark, Daphne Hampton, Ann Greiner, H. H. Williams, W. C. & D. A. Walker, Edward Collins, Jos. Prevost, George W. Williams & Co.

Motte Lane.--The following are the principal sufferers here:

John McGee, Wm. P. Shingler, Patrick Collins, and St. Mark's.

Guignard Street--The following are the suffered in Guignard street:

Sarah and Susan Jones, John Symons, E. J. Kingman, Dr. George E. Trescott, Miss McCrady and children, Louis Boniface.

State Street.--The following are the principal sufferers in State street:

Rev. P. O'Neil, William Aiken, Mrs. C. Picault, C. L. Blase, Christena L. Blase, C. Carolens, Charles Koch, Michael Herbert, Henry Schroeder, Mrs. Harvey, Isaac Loyea, John Nelligon.

Cumberland Street.--The following are the principal sufferers in Cumberland street:

Thos. Gerrety, Isaac Barrett, Mrs. E. M. Manigault, Mrs. Mary M. Whitney, Dr. R. Lebby, N. Petit, F. J. Rolando, John H. Jungbluth, J. S. Riggs, Rev. P. O Neil, J. M. Ainger, Charles E. Baker & Co., Henry Wittschen, O. J. Chaffee, Phœnix Engine Company, B. Mordecai.

Meeting Street.--The following are the sufferers in Meeting street:

Joseph W. Harrison, N. Fehrenbach, Estate of Wm. Calder, Francis Backus, B. Mordecai, Thomas Divine, Estate of Mrs. J. C. Thwing, W. J. Wightman, Dr. John W. Schmidt, Jr., Estate of Wm. C. Gatewood, Estate of Abraham Roulain, David Davis & Brothers, Claus W. Wrede, Tudor Ice Company, Schroder Brothers, George F. Meldau, Geo. Kriete, Dr. H. W. DeSaussure, Dr. Edward North, Charleston Savings Institution, Geo. N. Reynolds, Dr. B. A. Rodrigues, H. S. Griggs, Geo. M. Reynolds, Jr., Salcedo & Bierck, Mrs. M. Frey, Gabriel Davis, C. Noelken, R. M. Green, in trust, Dr. H. Winthrop, Joseph A. Winthrop, Wm. T. White, Charles White, Charleston Theatre company, Mrs. Jane E. White.

Queen Street.--The following are the principal sufferers:

Jno. Deighen, Henry Winston, Margaret McDermid. Mrs Mary May, Mrs. Mary J. Keenan, Mrs. F. P. Gaillard,----Purcell, Otis Mills, Jno. Queslan, Jno. McNellage, Dr. Wm. Michel, Isabella Harvey, Jno. O'Mara, Thos. Garaghty, Wm. Urffeshardt, Mrs. M. Cooper, Capt. M. Berry, L. Fora, A. Macauley, Dr. Wm. Pettigrew, James Murray, Mrs. E. A. Yates, Ann K. Marsh, Institution of Sisters Mercy, Owen Green, James, Erby, Mrs. C. Foote, J. H. Vollers, J. H. Bremmer.

King Street.--The following are the principal sufferers:

Wm.McComb. estate of Cooper, Capt. M. Berry, J. B. & J. Morello, A. Roumillat, A. Le Prince, W. Heine, F. Wehmann, P. Darcy, W. M. Rouse, Dorbaum & Menke, Louis F. Myers, E. Ladeveze, C. McPherson, Mrs. M. McDonald, J. Ballard, estate of Henry Ash, Jacob Wienges, Mrs. L. Belser, Wm. McKinlay, C. D. Ahrens, Jacob Mandel, J. Blank, J. Seckendorff, A. Pelesier, F. Koldeway, Mrs. S. Brooks, Jos. Matte, Miss. Cunningham, J. Heins, P. B. Lalane, J. F. Schirmer, E. Megher, H. Soubeyrouz, R. Wing, A. Marshall, J. Burk, J. G. Willis, Dr. R. S. Oakley, R. A. Miller, John Seigling, G. W. Spencer, Wm. Brookbanks, N. Neuve, Jno. Early, Ed. Lacassaigne, C. F. Schwettman, Mr. E. Godfrey, A. Tannlunson, Mrs. T. M. Rutjes.

Broad Street.--St. Andrew's Society, Cathedral, George M. Coffin, J. B. Heyward, A. Huger, A. J. Moses, John Laurens, G. Manigault, B. H. Rutledge, John Bonnell, Dr. T. Wragg, Mrs. Seabrook, Allen Gibbes, Mrs. A. Huguenin, N. Fields, Dr. P. Horlbeck, Rev. James H. Elliott, Col. James Legare, J. L. Petigru, John Albers, William Lindsay, C. F. Levy, Estate of Marshall.

Logan Street.--St. Peter's Church, Mrs. A. Turnbull, Thomas Plaue, W. Ogilvie, E. Edwards, W. J. Crafts, Wm. Roach, William Laidler, F. M. Burdell, W. H. Inglesby, Isaac W. Hayne.

Short Street.--Mrs. Mary McCall, D. L. McKey, Cowlan Gravely, J. D. Budds, Estate John McKee, William B. Williams, D. Lopez.

Savage Street.--Mrs. Enslow, J. C. Nolan, J. W. Carmalt, Mrs. R. Black, G. Gibbon, Mrs. L. A. Horlbeck, L. Lutjen, W. Bird, W. Belford, A. W. Black, Y. G. Yglesias, Mrs. Withers, Mrs. E. Mellichamp, B. Lucas, J. N. Tiedeman, J. W. Motte, D. B. Vincent, Mrs. J. Canter, Mrs. McNeal, F. Lance, estate of Dr. Jacob de la Motte, D. McDougal, H. Ahrens, A. Morrow, Mrs. S. Brown, Wm. S. Elliott, Miss F. Moore, R. S. Fielding.

New Street.--J. G. Hanahan, O. H. Midleton, C. Kerrison, G. Gibbon, Misses Muir, Mrs. C. Davidson, Wm. Laidler, C. L. Edwards, Froster, T. C. Harleston, J. M. Wilson, A. S. Willington, Dr. S. Wilson, estate of R. Pennell, G. B. Reid, Dunbar Paul.

Tradd Street.--Wm. I. Bull, H. L. Pickney, Thos. Magnola, W. P. Holmes, E. B. White, C. Gerrety, W. C. Bee, Estate Mrs. H. Rutledge, D. Lesesne, Dr. H. Winthrop, H. Bullwinkle, Estate J. D. Habernicht, Estate Wm. C. Gatewood, B. Gerrety, P. Sheehan, Mrs. M. Perronean, H. Missroon, D. Schnaars, Mrs. Schwing, J. J. Pettigrew, H. Lovegreen, J. P. Merkhardt, Geo. Logerman.

Franklin Street.--Rev. J. B. Campbell, D. Lopez.

Limehouse Street.--A. F. Browning, Colonel E. B. White, W. P. Ravenel, Jas. R. Addison, Carnage House, kitchen, &c., East of Mrs. Enslow.

Mazyck Street.--Major James Munrrell, D. D. Bunch, Miss S. Cobia, Thos. Arnold, John Winthrop, B. O'Brien. Mr. Bullwinkle, Miss Mary McCall.

Col. De Treville, of the Seventeenth regiment, rendered the most efficient aid in the admirable arrangements of his forces.

We learn that a subscription list for the relief of the poor, who are sufferers by the terrible conflagration of Wednesday night, has been opened at the Bank of Charleston, and the following liberal donations already made:

Gourdin, Matthiessen & Co.$1000
T. D. Wagner500
George W. Williams & Co.500

The following notice was posted on the bulletin board of the Mercury Thursday morning. This prompt action on the part of the Commissary General must meet with the approval of our entire community:

‘"Food and shelter for those deprived of their homes by the sad calamity of Wednesday night, may be obtained on application to F. S. Holmes, at the Soldiers' Wayside Depot, Ann and Mary street. Joseph Walker."’

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W. P. Russell (4)
Cameron (4)
George W. Williams (3)
Henry Smyser (3)
Savage (3)
Catherine Pritchard (3)
Mazyck (3)
Christena L. Blase (3)
T. Wragg (2)
H. Winthrop (2)
E. B. White (2)
Seabrook (2)
John F. Schaffner (2)
H. Rutledge (2)
Edward North (2)
B. Mordecai (2)
Mary McCall (2)
A. Marshall (2)
James Marsh (2)
D. Lopez (2)
Logan (2)
John Laurens (2)
William Laidler (2)
George Kinloch (2)
Joseph Johnson (2)
A. Huguenin (2)
A. Huger (2)
Isabella Harvey (2)
Henry S. Griggs (2)
Henry Gridts (2)
G. Gibbon (2)
William B. Franklin (2)
Enslow (2)
H. W. DeSaussure (2)
L. E. Cordray (2)
M. Cooper (2)
George M. Coffin (2)
H. Bullwinkle (2)
John S. Bird (2)
M. Berry (2)
James Artope (2)
William Aiken (2)
N. Yokage (1)
Y. G. Yglesias (1)
Steedman Yeadon (1)
E. A. Yates (1)
Claus W. Wrede (1)
Henry Wittschen (1)
Withers (1)
Joseph A. Winthrop (1)
John Winthrop (1)
Henry Winston (1)
R. Wing (1)
S. Wilson (1)
J. M. Wilson (1)
J. G. Willis (1)
A. S. Willington (1)
William B. Williams (1)
H. H. Williams (1)
G. W. Williams (1)
W. J. Wightman (1)
Jacob Wienges (1)
Mary M. Whitney (1)
William T. White (1)
Jane E. White (1)
Charles White (1)
A. J. White (1)
Thomas Whiley (1)
F. Wehmann (1)
Joseph Walker (1)
D. A. Walker (1)
T. D. Wagner (1)
F. W. Wagner (1)
J. H. Vollers (1)
D. B. Vincent (1)
William Urffeshardt (1)
A. Turnbull (1)
Frederick Turk (1)
Tunno (1)
Treville (1)
George E. Trescott (1)
Henry Trescot (1)
Jonathan Torrent (1)
J. N. Tiedeman (1)
J. C. Thwing (1)
Thomas (1)
Tenent (1)
Tavel (1)
A. R. Tavei (1)
A. Tannlunson (1)
John Symons (1)
P. Sullivan (1)
John Sullivan (1)
James M. Stocker (1)
Stobo (1)
John Stellas (1)
G. W. Spencer (1)
H. Soubeyrouz (1)
Henry Smyzer (1)
Smith (1)
Margaret Slavern (1)
F. Shulken (1)
William P. Shingler (1)
P. Sheehan (1)
John Seigling (1)
J. Seckendorff (1)
Schwing (1)
C. F. Schwettman (1)
Louis Schucerte (1)
Henry Schroeder (1)
D. Schnaars (1)
John W. Schmidt (1)
J. F. Schirmer (1)
Salcedo (1)
Thomas Ryan (1)
B. H. Rutledge (1)
T. M. Rutjes (1)
W. M. Rouse (1)
A. Roumillat (1)
Abraham Roulain (1)
F. J. Rolando (1)
Rodriguez (1)
B. A. Rodrigues (1)
A. Robins (1)
Wyndham Robertson (1)
William Roach (1)
P. Rinsett (1)
J. S. Riggs (1)
George N. Reynolds (1)
George M. Reynolds (1)
Jacob Reils (1)
G. B. Reid (1)
W. P. Ravenel (1)
Jonathan Queslan (1)
E. Purtel (1)
Purcell (1)
E. C. Pritchard (1)
A. Prince (1)
Joseph Prevost (1)
Prentiss (1)
Francis Y. Porcher (1)
Thomas Plaue (1)
Harriet Pinckney (1)
Pierpont (1)
H. L. Pickney (1)
C. Picault (1)
William Pettigrew (1)
J. J. Pettigrew (1)
N. Petit (1)
J. L. Petigru (1)
M. Perronean (1)
R. Pennell (1)
A. Pelesier (1)
Dunbar Paul (1)
William Patton (1)
Joseph Pattinl (1)
Baptiste Pattani (1)
Samuel Parker (1)
Palmer (1)
W. Ogilvie (1)
John Oberhausser (1)
R. S. Oakley (1)
Thomas O'Sullivan (1)
George O'Neill (1)
P. O'Neil (1)
Jonathan O'Mara (1)
B. O'Brien (1)
Jabez Norton (1)
J. C. Nolan (1)
C. Noelken (1)
Nix (1)
N. Neuve (1)
John Nelligon (1)
Neil (1)
Louis F. Myers (1)
James Murray (1)
James Munrrell (1)
Margaret Munro (1)
Muir (1)
Jacob De la Motte (1)
J. W. Motte (1)
A. J. Moses (1)
A. Morrow (1)
J. Morello (1)
F. Moore (1)
H. Missroon (1)
Z. Miller (1)
R. A. Miller (1)
O. H. Midleton (1)
Middleton (1)
William Michel (1)
J. P. Merkhardt (1)
E. Mellichamp (1)
George F. Meldau (1)
Melcher (1)
E. Megher (1)
C. McPherson (1)
Jonathan McNellage (1)
McNeal (1)
William McKinlay (1)
D. L. McKey (1)
John McKee (1)
McKay (1)
John McGee (1)
D. McDougal (1)
M. McDonald (1)
Margaret McDermid (1)
McCrady (1)
D. L. McCarthy (1)
McCabe (1)
Mary May (1)
Joseph Matte (1)
Ann K. Marsh (1)
William Marche (1)
G. Manigault (1)
E. M. Manigault (1)
John Malony (1)
Thomas Magnola (1)
A. Macauley (1)
Lynch (1)
L. Lutjen (1)
B. Lucas (1)
Isaac Loyea (1)
H. Lovegreen (1)
George Logerman (1)
Lockwood (1)
Livingston (1)
William Lindsay (1)
C. F. Levys (1)
C. F. Levy (1)
D. Lesesne (1)
John D. Leseman (1)
James Legare (1)
R. Lebby (1)
F. Lance (1)
P. B. Lalane (1)
E. Ladeveze (1)
Edward Lacassaigne (1)
George Kriete (1)
F. Koldeway (1)
Charles Koch (1)
E. J. Kingman (1)
King (1)
C. Kerrison (1)
Michael Kennedy (1)
John D. Kennedy (1)
Keith (1)
Mary J. Keenan (1)
John H. Jungbluth (1)
Susan Jones (1)
Sylvester Jancovich (1)
James (1)
Jacobson (1)
Henry Jaccobson (1)
W. H. Inglesby (1)
M. D. Hyams (1)
Hutson (1)
P. Horlbeck (1)
L. A. Horlbeck (1)
W. P. Holmes (1)
F. S. Holmes (1)
Hollingshead (1)
William Hockaday (1)
J. B. Heyward (1)
Michael Herbert (1)
C. M. Heissenbuttle (1)
Carl M. Heissenbuttel (1)
J. Heins (1)
W. Heine (1)
Isaac W. Hayne (1)
John R. Haseloop (1)
Joseph W. Harrison (1)
T. C. Harleston (1)
Hanckel (1)
J. G. Hanahan (1)
Daphne Hampton (1)
Estate J. D. Habernicht (1)
Jos Guy (1)
Ann Greiner (1)
R. M. Green (1)
Owen Green (1)
Graveley (1)
Gourdin (1)
Jacques Gotti (1)
H. Goodman (1)
E. Godfrey (1)
Allen Gibbes (1)
Thomas Gerrety (1)
C. Gerrety (1)
B. Gerrety (1)
William C. Gatewood (1)
Estate William C. Gatewood (1)
Thomas Garraty (1)
Thomas Garaghty (1)
Roger Gannon (1)
F. P. Gaillard (1)
M. Frey (1)
Ann Francis (1)
L. Fora (1)
C. Foote (1)
Margaret Fitzpatrick (1)
N. Fields (1)
R. S. Fielding (1)
N. Fehrenbach (1)
Erby (1)
William Englert (1)
William S. Elliott (1)
James H. Elliott (1)
E. Edwards (1)
C. L. Edwards (1)
Edmonds (1)
Jonathan Early (1)
Henry Dinget (1)
Jonathan Deighen (1)
Gabriel Davis (1)
David Davis (1)
C. Davidson (1)
P. Darcy (1)
Cunningham (1)
T. J. Cumming (1)
W. J. Crafts (1)
Cotton (1)
Thomas Cordray (1)
James Congrobe (1)
Patrick Collins (1)
S. Cobia (1)
Charles Clark (1)
Ferdinand Christman (1)
Chisholm (1)
O. J. Chaffee (1)
O. J. Chaffe (1)
C. Carolens (1)
J. W. Carmalt (1)
J. Canter (1)
A. Canale (1)
J. B. Campbell (1)
William Calder (1)
J. Burk (1)
F. M. Burdell (1)
D. D. Bunch (1)
Wizard Bull (1)
William I. Bull (1)
E. Bull (1)
J. D. Budds (1)
A. F. Browning (1)
S. Brown (1)
S. Brooks (1)
William Brookbanks (1)
R. Brodie (1)
J. H. Bremmer (1)
Bowman (1)
J. E. Bowers (1)
John Bounell (1)
John Bonnell (1)
Louis Boniface (1)
J. Blank (1)
R. Black (1)
A. W. Black (1)
W. Bird (1)
Bia (1)
N. Benoist (1)
W. W. Bennett (1)
Martin Bennett (1)
L. Belser (1)
W. Belford (1)
W. C. Bee (1)
Bassett (1)
Frank Barton (1)
Isaac Barrett (1)
J. Balleyward (1)
J. Ballard (1)
Charles E. Baker (1)
Francis Backus (1)
Henry Ash (1)
Thomas Arnold (1)
Andrew (1)
William Alken (1)
John Albers (1)
J. M. Ainger (1)
H. Ahrens (1)
C. D. Ahrens (1)
James R. Addison (1)
Adams (1)
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13 AD (3)
1838 AD (2)
May 25th, 1806 AD (1)
1734 AD (1)
1680 AD (1)
November 12th, 12 BC (1)
December 20th (1)
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