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From the South.

From the Southern exchanges we copy the following interesting items of news:

Daring attack of two Confederate steamer on the Forts and fleet at Hatteras.

From a reliable source the Newburn N. C. Progress, of the 7th inst., obtains the following information in regard to the movements of our embryo naval force in and about the Carolina waters:

On the morning of the 5th inst., the steamer Raleigh, commanded by Lieut. Commanding J. W. Alexander, and the prize steamer Fanny, Jas. L. Taylor Commanding. (lately turned over to the Secede Government) ran in almost under the guns of the Forts and fleet at Hatteras and invited the vandals to a test of metal by sending them invitations numerous, and we hope effective, in the shape of riled thirty-two-pounder and other equally destructive missiles Nothing, however, was accomplished, except by one or two shell, which bursting in rather close proximity to the fleet caused every percentible commotion among them.

Yankee cunning Southern pluck did not in this case avail. They, with the heavy ordnance which their vessels are well-known to carry, although they tried by firing blank charges and short range guns to entice our little craft within range of the ‘ "annihilators"’ were unable so to do; while the indomitable courage of our ‘ "mosquitoes"’ made every insertion of their bills effective as far as can be ascertained. The time is, we hope, close at hand when the inlets and banks of the ‘"Good Old North State"’ will be permanently rid of the vandals that now desecrate it, and if such courage and determination be kept up on the part of our Navy (young as it is) as was manifested in this adventure, the conclusion is foregone.

Bacon Green Bridge burnt.

From the Louisville (Bowling Green) Courier, of the 9th inst., we take the following:

‘ Gallant Capt. John H. Morgan, with his splendid cavalry company, one hundred strong, which left this place a few days ago, returned Saturday evening. They crossed Green river at Munfordville, went up to Bacon creek, eight miles beyond, where they arrived Thursday night, and at nine o'clock set fire to the new railroad bridge which the Yankees had just thrown across that stream, and waited till two o'clock Friday morning until it was entirely consumed Even the pillars, which were left standing by the former fire, were burnt down. There were no Federals this side of the creek, the nearest pickets being half a mile beyond it, but none of them came down to dispute the right to destroy the bridge.

Unionist near the Creek confirm the report that the new bridge created by the Federals over Rolling Fork had been all washed away.

Exploits of Texans.

A Bowling Green (Ky) letter, of the 3d instant, says:

‘ The sixteen Texas Rangers who were supposed to have been captured between Glasgow and Greensburg returned to camp last Saturday, bringing with them three prisoners, three horses, a quantity of leather, and a wagon load of guns, taken from different. Union men in the locality of Green river. A live Lincoln recruiting officer was brought here yesterday, having been arrested near Russellville, where he had been for some days, endeavoring to induce young men to enlist by holding out promises of position and profit. He was caught in the overt act, and, if justice is meted out to him, will be hung.

A Lincoln officer and nine men from the fleet caught Napping.

The New Orleans Picayune publishes the following interesting paragraph, from Brashear City, La., Dec. 7

‘ An oysterman has just arrived, and reports that on Monday a boat landed at his camp from the blockading fleet with an officer and nine men, who called for whiskey. He supplied them until they were too drunk to move when they laid down to sleep. the man then stripped them of their arms, took the gold band from the officer's cap, his commission and sword, and two portraits of Yankee girls. The oysterman has arrived here, and brought the trophies with him. He was alone, or would have secured the whole party of Lincolnites. The officer's name is Child, he is a Lieutenant on the vessel Annia Taylor.

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