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Progress of the war.
from the North.

We received last night copies of New York and Philadelphia papers us late is the 11th inst. Below will be found some interesting items of news which we gather from their columns.

Shelling of Freestone and Shipping a Points upon the lower Potomac of the Federal flotilla.

The correspondent of the New York Herald with General Hooner a division near Badd's Ferry, writes under date of December 9th:

The lower Potomac was enlivened this morning by gun-boats of the upper flotilla shelling the woods and burning the buildings at Freestone Point, while about the same time there was a fine review of New Jersey troops on the Maryland side. At nine o'clock in the morning the New Jersey brigade, recently arrived in Gen. Hooker's division, was reviewed and inspected by him — The day was one of the finest ever known in Maryland at this season. It was like a delightful day in the early Indian summer.--The brigade, consisting of the Fifth. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth regiments, is under command of Colonel Starr, of the Fifth, an officer of extensive experience in the regular army.

The morning being calm and clear I made an ascension in the balloon to draw a sketch of the rebel camps on the Virginia side of the river. Six steamboats belonging to the upper flotilla were seen near the mouth of the Matawoman creek. Presently, at half-past 10 o'clock, the Jacob Bell, Lieut. McCrea commanding, got under weigh and went within about a thousand yards of Freestone Point. She fired five ten-second shells into the woods, and then put about. Several wagons were seen approaching the buildings near the shore where the rebels had some Stores. Lieut. McCrea, of the Jacob Bell, communicated with Capt. Austin, commanding the Anacostia and both vessels then stood off Freestone Point, where they commenced shelling the woods and buildings.

The Harriet Lane, flag-ship of the flotilla, Capt. R. H. Wyman commanding, was stationed a mile or more behind. She fired two ninety-six pound shots. On a line with her, a little lower down the river, were the Reliance and the Herbert, with the Stepping Stones immediately behind, all in the mouth of Matawoman creek. This was the position of the steamers, with a sloop lying near, when the cannonade commenced. For an hour and a half the two steamers poured shell into the woods. From the balloon I could see the shells burst over the tops of the trees and near the surrounding buildings. Some struck the residence of Mr. Fairfax, situated in a grove upon the hill. Fairfax is said to be Colonel in the rebel army. The wagons moved away as quick as possible, and several mounted officers scampered off as well.

The booming of the cannon aroused the camps, and hundreds of our men covered the hills on the Maryland side, from which the whole action could be seen.

While the vessels were firing into the woods, our guns at Budd's Ferry sent a few shells across. The rebel batteries directly opposite, at Shipping Point, returned the fire. Several of their shells exploded on this side without doing any damage, and one of ours burst right in their upper battery. The rebels ran in every direction.

In the meantime I had descended in the balloon and embarked in a boat which Lieut. Col. Wells, commanding the First Massachusetts Regiment, had kindly placed at my disposal, with a crew under Lieut. Carruth, and was on my way up to the flotilla.

The Anacostia fired twenty shrapnel, one five-second and two ten-second shall. The Jacob Bell fired seventeen six-inch and fifteen eight inch shell. Fifty-seven were fired altogether. The Jacob Bell then went close to the shore, and Lieutenant McCrea, with four men in a small boat, accompanied by another boat from the Anacostia, landed and set fire to the buildings near the water's edge, which they said contained stores belonging to the rebels. One containing empty barrels was not burned. The other buildings were soon enveloped in a sheet of flame. They were formerly used as a fish house, and rented for three thousand live hundred dollars per annum. The boats presently returned to their respective steamers, which then fell back and anchored near the Harried Lane.

The reflection of the setting sun on the Potomac, which was placid as a lake on a summer evening, together with that of the burning buildings, rendered the scene exceedingly beautiful.

In the evening a light breeze came up, and to-night a number of small vessels, mostly oyster boats, are passing up the river.

It is now a quarter to nine o'clock, and the rebel batteries at Shipping Point have just opened on two of the larger ones — the Oriental and the Shining Light, Captain Walker--Which the rebels can easily distinguish by reason of the clearness of the night and the brightness of the moon. Both batteries are keeping up a rapid fire upon them. The flashes of two, three and four guns are seen simultaneously. Shells, with the burning fuse, are making graceful curves through the air like shooting stars, and then come the loud reports of their bursting.

We have a fine view of this magnificent night cannonade from the rear verandah of Mr. Posey's residence. Some of the shells have struck the water, several are bursting in the air, and some have come over here to the Maryland shore. One shot, which ricochetted along the water, touched the side of the Shining Light about the water mark, but being spent, did not do any damage. About forty shots were fired by the rebels, but none of the vessels sustained any injury. The firing soon ceased, and everything was quiet during the remainder of the night.

A further dispatch, dated this morning, states that the building continued to burn for eighteen hours.

The Secretary of the Navy to-day received the following letter from R. H. Wyman, Lieutenant commanding the Potomac flotilla, dated.

United States Harriet Lane,

Off Matawoman Creek, Dec. 9, 1861.
I have the honor to report to you that this morning about half-past 9 o'clock, seeing the enemy's pickets, three camp wagons, and a mounted officer coming down the road, to the southward of Freestone Point, and halting at some buildings near the beach, I directed the steamers Jacob Bell and Anacostia to shell the buildings. I stood in with this vessel as far as the draft of water would permit, to protect them in the event of the enemy's bringing a field battery to Freestone Point. After shelling the buildings and hill, and driving back the pickets, Lieut. Commanding McCrae landed with a few men and fired four houses, which have since burned to the ground. They contained Sutler's stores, flour, &c. As eighteen hours elapsed before the flames subsided, I judged that the quantity of stores must have been considerable. The enemy fired but a few musket shot.

Congressional Proceedings.

Washington, Dec. 10
--In the Senate yesterday Messrs. Fessenden and Sumner presented petitions for emancipating slaves under the war power.

A petition from Francis A. Treadwell, representing that complaints he had made to the Supreme Court against Jefferson Davis and others, had been called improper papers, was referred to the Judiciary Committee.

A resolution to expel Waldo P. Johnson for sympathizing and acting with the rebels, was laid over.

The subject of the payment of the commissioners for investigating claims in the Western Military Department, was referred to the Finance Committee.

Bills were introduced to authorize the President to acquire territory for the settlement of free negroes, and for the reorganization of the Medical Department of the army.

Mr. Hale called up his resolutions of yesterday, instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the expediency of abolishing the present judicial system of the United States and establishing another, which was agreed to.

A bill to provide for the protection of overland emigrants to California and Oregon was introduced by Mr. Nesmith.

A bill to render more operative the law passed last summer relative to the sale of spirituous liquored in the District of Columbia, was also presented.

The death of Senator Bingham was announced by his colleague, Senator Chandler, and appropriate testimonials offered by members to the memory of the deceased Senator.

The greater portion of the day's session in the House was occupied by Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, in a speech on his motion to refer back to the Judiciary Committee the memorial of the whilom Baltimore Police Commissioners, now resident at Fort Warren, Boston harbor. Mr. Pendleton wished to have the committee instructed that Congress alone has the power to suspend the habeas corpus writ, and declaimed at length against the President for its suspension in the case of these as well as other State prisoners.

He was briefly replied to in support of the course pursued by the President to the effect that all that could be urged in favor of these and other prisoners similarly held had been already fully answered by the argument of Attorney General Hates, and that ‘"it did not lie in the mouths of the memorialists to claim the benefit of the constitution, every provision of which they had trampled under foot"’ Mr. Pendleton's motion was tabled--108 yeas to 36 nays.

A resolution was adopted requesting the Attorney General to furnish his opinion on the subject of the retrocession to the Government of the Virginia portion of the District of Columbia.

Another Homestead Bill was introduced from the Public Land Committee, containing various provisions, among them one giving a bounty of $30 to the three months volunteers. The hill was laid over for further consideration.

The Senate resolution for a committee to inquire into the conduct of the way was concurred in.

A message was received from the Senate announcing the death of Mr. Bingham, late Senator from Michigan, when autogies upon the deceased were delivered, the customary resolution adopted, and the House adjourned.

A Confederate schooner at St. Thomas

The Tidcane, of October 30 published at St. Thomas notices the arrival at that port, of the Rebel schooner Emily Tenbroock. When she first entered the port she was flying the Confederate flag, but a boat from H. M. steamship Heimdal at once visited her, and the British ensign was speedily substituted. The Tenbroock produced the following clearance papers.

Customs House.
District and port of Savannah. C. S.

These are to certify that John D. Tenbroock master or commander of the schooner called the Emily Tenbroock, burthen tons, mounted with no guns, navigated with eight men.--built, and bound for St. Thomas, hath here laden and taken on board a cargo of rice, viz:

Forty-five half casks, Rice.

W. Goodwin, two hundred and Rice.

Dep. Collector. ninety-six bags. Rice.

And entered and cleared his vessel according to law.

Naval Officer: None at the port.

Given under our hands and seals of office at Savannah, the 10th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1861, and in the first year of the Independence of the Confederate States of America.

The Tidende says of the document:

‘ "The clearance, it is evident, has originally been intended for the use of the United States Federal Government, as that which we italicise on the second line at the top is added in and written with red ink, and the word "United," at the bottom, creased, and the word "Confederate" which we also italicize, is written with red ink over the top. The question will no doubt be asked by many, of how much value would a document thus interlined, erasures made, and other words substituted, possess in a court of law? It may be proper for us here to say that the schooner, as our marine list shows, was entered at our custom-house as a British schooner, on the face of the sea pass here granted her. The cargo has since been sold and landed., The matter, as we understand, has caused an active correspondence between the United States Consul and Her Britannia Majesty's Consul."

Return of a Marylander.

The Washington telegraphic correspondent of the Herald, dated Dec. 10, says:

William M. Pattison, Marylander, who recently escaped from the rebel army in Virginia, was brought to the city to-day by Col. Blaisdell, of the Eleventh Massachusetts, Hooker's division, and a safe conduct granted him to return home. The oath of allegiance was administered to him by Col. Blaisdell, and he has furnished valuable information respecting the number and disposition of the enemy's forces on the Lower Potomac. He says that some thousands of Marylanders who went to Virginia are anxious to return.

A delegation of citizens of Eastern Maryland waited upon Gen. Hooker recently to ask what would be done with those who should return, and he replied that they would be allowed to resume their positions as loyal citizens on taking the oath of allegiance.

The rebels on the opposite shore have called loudly to the pickets on our side to "send back that d — d deserter or substitute."

Pattison says the accuracy and efficiency of our artillerists astonished them, while their own cannonading has thus far proved impotent.

Reconnaissance towards Centreville.

The New York Heralds Washington telegraphic correspondent, dated December 10th, says:

‘ On Friday last General Hancock went out in force towards Centreville for the purpose mainly of observation, and incidentally to procure forage. Detachments went out at the same time from Gen. Porter's division towards Flint Hill, and from Gen. McCall's towards Drainsville. Gen. Brooks was stationed on Freedom Hill, sending detachments beyond Vienna. These latter were intended to cover and support the advance of General Hancock, who commanded the principal force.

The several detachments moved to their positions at an early hour in the morning, and were in every respect successful in accomplishing their object. Gen. Hancock procured 91 loads of forage, an General McCall over 50. None of the enemy were seen save a few cavalry scouts, who retired rapidly from view. But the expedition was, as it now appears, of considerable importance in its results.

Gen. Hancock carried out in every respect his plans, going no further towards Centreville than he originally designed.

It will be observed that no man has yet been lost from this (Smith's) division, and the reason is because no small parties are sent out. Whenever a force goes outside the lines it is strong enough to fight a battle. Then two lines of skirmishers scour every wood in advance of the column.

Serenade to Col. Mulligan.

The Herald's Washington correspondent has the following synopsis of Colonel ‘"Billy"’ Mulligan's remarks in response to a serenade given him in front of his hotel in Washington, on Monday night, by the officers of the New York 15th Regiment.

Fellow-Citizens — I thank you most heartily for this unexpected compliment. The hour is so late, or rather so early, that I can only detain you with a few words. I assure you that I feel proud that here, in the capital of the nation, by the side of the great army of the Potomac, such a recognition is made of the poor service I was able to render, and of the bravery of my command during the nine-days' siege of Lexington. It is painful to contemplate the present condition of our country, but there is one consolatory thought in connection with it. While the sound of the mill and the ringing music of the anvil are ascending to Heaven, half a million of bristling bayonets attest that our lives and our freedom are inseparable; that we will die sooner than yield the glorious birthright we inherit from the founders of our country. Our sacred cause has been crimsoned by the blood of a Lyon; it has been sanctified by the death in arms of that noble Senator, Colonel Baker, who stepped from yonder hall to the battle field; it has been sanctified, too, by the captivity of the glorious leader of the gallant New York Sixty- ninth, Colonel Corcoran--may be he brought out from his imprisonment, and once more lead his brave regiment to vindicate the royal Irish valor and avenge his country. Gentlemen, that we may maintain the Union intact, the Constitution supreme, and our liberties inviolate, is my wish, as I once more thank your band and your gallant Colonel for this visit, and bid you good night.

Proceedings of the Wheeling Legislature.

Wheeling, Dec. 10
--In the Legislature today Mr. Steward offered a resolution requiring all persons in this State who takes ours license to transact any business to first take the oath to support the Constitution and restore the Government of Virginia.

Mr. Brown, of the Kanawha, offered a resolution to release the people of that valley from taxes this year on account of the devastation of their country.

Shocking murder of a Lieutenant of the Second Maryland Regiment.

Baltimore, Dec. 10.
--This afternoon a shocking murder was committed at the camp of the Second Maryland regiment, stationed in the suburbs of the city. Whilst the regiment was drawn up for dress parade a private named Charles Koons came from his tent, picked up a musket, took deliberate aim at Lieut. Wilson, fired and killed him on the spot. It appears that some three weeks since Lieut. Wilson shot a private named Gardner, for persistent insubordination after three times trying to run the pickets, killing him. Koons, who was friend of the deceased determined to revenge his death by taking the life of Lieutenant Wilson. The Lieutenant was a resident of this city, and was generally esteemed in the regiment. Great indignation is expressed in the regiment at the murder, and a disposition was manifested to take immediate vengeance on Koons, but he was immediately sent a prisoner to Fort McHenry.

Capture of Capt. Sweeney and his band.

Glascow,Mo., Dec. 8.
--The notorious marauder, Capt. Sweeney, and his band of robbers, who have for some time kept this section of the country in terror, were captured yesterday at Rogers's Mill, near here, by a detachment of cavalry under Capt. Merrill. Sweeney's picket were surprised and captured, and his whole band, thirty-five in number, taken without firing a gun.

Election of a United States Senator from Kentucky.

Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 10.
--Garret Davis was elected United States Senator for the remainder of John C. Breckinridge's term to-day, by a vote of 84 to 12.

Appointment of John Jacob Astor — Naval affairs.

The following dispatches from Washington we take from the New York Herald, of the 11th inst:

‘ The following order, appointing John Jacob Astor an aid to Gen. McClellan, has been issued:

General Orders No. 51.

Headq' are Army of the Potomac.

Washington, Nov. 30, 1861.

John J, Astor, of New York, is announced as volunteer Aid de Camp to the commanding General, with the rank of Colonel, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

By command of Major General McClellan
S. Williams, Asst. Adjutant General.
[Official — Wm. P. Mason, Aid-de-Camp.]

The Navy Department invites proposals

for furnishing, fitting and securing to vessels-of-war iron plates fifteen and a half feet in length, to have planed edges and counter-sunk holes to be beat to the shape of the set from stem to stern, and listened to the timber with comical-heathed bolts of one and a half inches in diameter. It is understood that the Department designs to thus clear the vessels of war with the least possible delay.

The Mephistopheles of the Satay Congress.

The New York, on the 11th.

It appears that Thadens Stevens, of Pennsylvania in, was the leading spirit among the Sitars clique at the Republican congressional cause on Monday evening. Steven is the Mephistopheles of the gang, and is playing in the House exactly the same factions, disorganizing, fault trading perverse and anti-administration game that the traitor Breckinridge so effectually played out in the Senate last session.

Military affairs in Kentucky.

Louisville, Ky., Dec. 10.
--Gen. Zollicoller has not advanced north of the Cumberland river, as reported, Gen. Schoeff has with drawn to Sumerset, and there awaits rain forcements.

From Western Virginia.

The Wheeling Intelligencer, of the 9th in says:

‘ We learn from a gentlemen who arrived on Saturday from Cheat Mountain that there have been lively movements among the troops lately. Some have been sent to Kentucky, some to Gen. Kelly, and other regiments have been disposed of, so that there are not more than four regiments in all at Elkwater, the Summit, and at Huttonsville. Since the rebels abandoned their camp at Greenbrier our men from the Summit have frequently gone down there and examined the place. It is said to have been the strongest position that could have been selected, and was abandoned only because the roads were so bad that it was impossible to supply the troops. The rebels are now encamped upon the summit of the Alleghanies, about nine miles from Greenbrier. When they left the latter place they burned the bridge over the Greenbrier and destroyed a great many articles which they could not carry away. A party of some half a dozen horsemen from the Summit for lowed the rebels up to within half a mile where they are now encamped, examined their fortifications, and took a prisoner of the First Georgia regiment.

Gen. Reynolds is about to move his headquarters to Phillippi. Loomis's battery and a regiment of Indians volunteers have been moved down to that place.

What the New York Herald says of Gent Price.

We clip the following paragraph from the New York Herald of the 11th inst.

‘ It may be said that Gen. Sterling Price, the rebel commander in Missouri, is now fairly played out. Failing to resolve any response to his begging call for 50,000 Missourian, his troops daily deserting his standard by hundreds, and the rebel Government having appointed a man to supersede him, he now presents a deplorable picture of what may be termed a used up man.

Hon. Chas. Jas. Faulkner released,

From the New York correspondence of the Philadelphia Inquirer, dated Dec. 10. we take the following paragraph.

Mr. Chas. Fanikner, ex-Minister to France, who, as you know, has been enjoying some weeks of elegant leisure at a certain fashionable watering place called Fort Warren kept by one Uncle Sam, turned up in town to-day on parole. He is en route for Dixie's Land, in exchange for Hon. Mr. Elypol Rochester, so the story goes.

Abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.

A Washington letter in the Philadelphia Inquirer, dated the 10th inst., says

‘ A resolution in favor of abolishing slavery in the District was brought up to-day in the City Connects, and was postponed until next week. There is no doubt but in at Congress will abolish slavery in the District soon and many are trying to come, a dodge to get paid for their slaves, which now cannot be sold at any price.

Exchange of prisoners.

The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, dated the 10th inst., says:

‘ The New York delegation, which is here laboring for the exchange of Colonel Corcoran and other prisoners, had an interview with the Cabinet to day. Richard Gorman, Esq., and Judge Daly addressed the Cabinet at length upon the subject.


The Southampton, England, correspondent of the Dublin Freman's Journal, after announcing the arrival of the rebel steamer Nashville in that port, adds: "The Nashville is going to Bremen fore repairs. She is in a very dilapidated condition.

A detachment of the new slave fleet, composed of six ships and one bark, left New Bedford on the 9th instant, for a Southern port.

Letters are now sent regularly to Northampton and Accomac counties, on the eastern Shore of Virginia.

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