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A New fuel.

--When the oils is pressed from the cotton seed a cake is left, which resembles the well- known linseed cakes. It is sold at ten dollars a ton, and is now being purchased extensively in this city for fuel. It makes a bright fire, but burns away some what rapidly. Are our cattle and hog feeders aware of the value of this mater were for faltering purposes? It is composing tive and fatty matter, the hull being removed from the seed, by a machine constructed for the purpose, before it is pressed. At a time when crab-grass and prairie hay is selling at from twenty-five to twenty-seven dollars a ton, and corn at seventy-five cents a bushel, oil cake at ten dollars a ton ought to be turned into pork and beef, not burned. To burn it is burning shame — it makes us fiery to think about it.--Memphis Appeal.

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