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Diabolical attempt at wholesale Murder.

--The Savannah Republican says:

‘ The train that left Savannah on the night of the 2d, at 9.50, was thrown off the track near the 57 mile post, except the two hind most passenger cars. The accident was caused by the iron rail having been prized up, and a large piece of scantling inserted under it. raising the end some six inches above the adjoining rail. The express, three baggage and one passenger cars, were thrown off the track and badly broken. From tracks and other dence it was apparent there were three persons engaged in the hellish work--one, from the track, a white man, the others negroes of they had on negro shoes. They carried the scantling about three-quarters of a mile from an old house. Fortunately no one was injured beyond a few bruises to the express messenger, and one or two others — no passengers hurt.

’ The Superintendent has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest, and proof to convict the villains.

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