The News from Pensacola.
The anxiety of the public to hear further was from Pensacola know gratified yesterday some extent by the receipt of brief dismatches giving the result of the second day's nade, which will be found in the telegraphic column. It appears that the Federals have expended a good deal of ammunition to little purpose, while it is quite likely some damage has resulted from the fire batteries, although there is no official mation of the report that a breach had effected in the walls of Fort Pickens.The fire seems thus far to have been mainly ected to the fleet, but we have reason to where that Gen. Bragg will pay his respects the Fort at the proper time. Our confidence in that officer a judgment enables us look forward without apprehension, though dy fight may intervene before the enemy iged from his stronghold near Pensacola.
dispatch received at the War Department dated Pensacola at 1 o'clock P. M., yesterday (Sunday,) it is reported that the my did not renew their attack. Both of withdrew crippled. All the dam done to our works is repaired. Our are but slightly hurt, and doing and our men are in the highest spirits.