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From Norfolk.

the recent Raid upon Accomac and Northampton — letter of gratitude from the Captain of the ‘"Prony"’ to Captain McCarrick--a sad sight — the funeral of George Harvey, &c.

[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]

Norfolk, Nov. 22, 1861.
We understand that upwards of one hundred citizens have escaped from Eastern Shore, and are now in our city. The account given us of this unfortunate event is truly sad, while it furnishes an example of the inhuman spirit and reckless disregard for even innocent women and children which has characterized the Federal Government up to the present time. We are told that about two weeks priors to this event, General Dix, with about two thousand men, went over and demanded of our little force, which was only about eighteen hundred strong, and with little means of defence, an unconditional surrender. With stout hearts our little band refused so unjust an offer, that would forever disgrace them it the public eye and the little county, whose fame they were to establish, and prepared for fight. General Dix, though over odds by about two hundred men, refused to hazard his force so hastily, went back to get reinforcements, to the number of sight thousand, and swore that our forces must surrender, or he was prepared for fight. Seeing so overwhelming a force to encounter, nothing was left but retreat; but not that retreat which brings with it disgrace. This our men did, and numbers, as I have said, have already reached the city in safety, though encountering every peril in crossing the bay in open boats.

Having captured the county, Gen. Dix assured all those who would take the oath of allegiance, that their property should not be confiscated, and they granted every protection. This, of course, met the approval of some, who consented to remain rather than take the hazardous step of crossing the bay, and besides, of losing their property. Many of those who have reached our city, are sadly in want of clothing and necessities, which, of course, will be relieved by our people — We understand Dix paid little regard to the women and children who were made wretched by this sudden affair to their county, which but a day or two ago was so bright and cheerful with domestic happiness. Our defences at this point were so small and ineffective that we wonder it was not made the object of attack before. No doubt persons owning negroes there will be the greatest sufferers, for it seems to be the aim and object of the Federalists to seize every negro they can buy their hands upon. Gen. Dix affirmed that here he intended to have his winter quarters, and for his officers he wanted two of the finest houses in the county. Oh! tell it not in Gath Publish it not in the streets of Ascalon, that 8,000 forces defeated 1,800 without the show of battle. Eight thousand--a force large enough to have defeated body of men three times the size of our little band. But it is at striking fact which we have witnessed in nearly every battle, that they will never attack us with any thing like equal forces. Our good people of the Eastern Shore will have to submit with becoming patience to this sudden defeat, until our forces shall achieve more victories to compensate for what they have lost.

We are glad to learn that Capt. McCarrick, formerly of the steamer Winslow, has been appointed to the steamer Sea Bird. This is a tribute to the services of our noble Captain, for which we assert he is amply entitled.--En passant we may say — and we do it with a great deal of pleasure — that Capt. McC. has just received a letter from the Captain of the French corvette ‘ "Prony,"’ reiterating his gratitude and that of the officers for the kind hospitalities of which they were the recipients while in our city; and more particularly to Capt. McC. himself, as they feel their lives were saved by the active efforts of him self and crew while they were in imminent danger.

The ladies of the Catholic Church in this city, I am glad to state, are arranging for a grand fair, shortly to take place. From their previous efforts in this direction, we predict for them full success.

Last evening the funeral of young Harvey, who was drowned on the 6th inst., occurred from the residence of his mother in Portsmouth. This sad affair has caused deep affliction in the family. He was a member of Captain Richardson's Rifle company.

A sad sight was witnessed in Portsmouth a day or two ago, which must excite the sympathy of every mother who has a son in our Army. Among a number who were first to leap forward in defence of their country was young Julian Peed, of Portsmouth, a member of Captain Dean's company. The company was shortly ordered away, and his young heart beat with patriotic order as he left the roof of his afflicted mother, whom he was destined never to see more. Young Peed, after the company had arrived at Isle of Wight, the point of destination, was shortly attacked with chills and fevers, of which he died in twenty-two hours after being taken. His fond mother knew nothing of his illness until the corpse of her boy was laid at her door. The scene that followed was indeed heart-rending. The mother clasped the coffin, and with most agonizing shrieks would pace the floor, scarcely conscious of the scene before her. Yes, her dead son had been brought home, to that house which he had just left with such gladness, and she not know anything of his illness until the corpse arrived, was indeed truly sad. May God bear her up under this trying bereavement.

The Queen Sisters, so recently from your city, made their first appearance here last night. It is but truth to say, their performances are truly wonderful. They were greeted with a full house. Luna.

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