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From Gen. Floyd's Camp.

the present position of our forces — skirmishing — our Lesses, &c

Lynchburg, Nov. 19.
--The Republican of to-morrow will publish a letter from a reliable officer in Gen. Floyd's Brigade, dated at Raleigh C. H., on the 17th inst., which states that the Brigade is now about four miles this side of that place, and that the Federals have been largely reinforced. Gen. Lee's command has retired to Meadow Bluff. General Floyd his fallen back from Cotton Hill, in order to be more convenient to his supplies.--The roads are in very bad condition. Brisk skirmishing has been going on for the past week, but with little damage to the Confederate troops. Two of our troops were killed and one or two wounded, and some few of our men were captured while skirmishing.--The loss of the enemy is unknown.

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