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C. S. District Court.

--We append a summary of the business transacted in this Court yesterday:

Thomas C. Panamore was appointed Receiver for district No. 8, composed of the counties of Northampton and Accomac.

Baldwin, a slave, the property of Gilbert B. Claiborne, indicted for misdemeanor, was arraigned and plead guilty on the fifth count of the indictment, and was remanded to the custody of the Marshal. Sentence to be pronounced hereafter.

Confederate States vs. John H. Gilmer, on a summons issued against the defendant, requiring him to appear and answer interrogatories. Answer filed in writing.

Confederate States vs. George Carr and Joel N. Wheeler, on a petition to sequester the estate of Uriah P. Levy, an alien enemy. The defendant, Joel N. Wheeler, appeared by Wm. Green, his attorney, and filed in writing his answer, and claim to the petition and interrogatories filed by the Receiver. This write is to sequester the estate formerly owned by President Jefferson.

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