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We continue our summary of Northern news made up from the latest papers received in this city:

The late battle at Leesburg.

It will be seen from the following extract from various Northern correspondents and newspapers that a strong difference of opinion prevails in Yankeedom as respects the disastrous results to the Federal arms in the recent engagement at Leesburg:

The New York times correspondent's account.

The following account furnished the New York Times, by its correspondent, on the spot, cannot fail to be read with interest:

Edwards' Ferry, Upper Potomac, Sunday--6 P. M.

The Union troops have commenced shelling the Confederates on the Virginia shore across the river, whether merely to drive them out or as preliminary to an advance, we shall probably know in the morning. As I intend to make my letter, as far as possible, a journal from hour to of what actually takes place under my own observation, I shall not attempt to anticipate movements, but only record what I see and hear. The firing commenced at 4.35 this afternoon, from Van Allen's battery of two Parrot guns--12 pounders — the shells going well over to the Virginia side, to the north of Goose Creek.--Their explosion is very distinctly heard.--Seven shells have been thrown within ten minutes, without exciting any response from our friends across the water. Gen. Stone is directing the movement. The tenth and eleventh shells fired were long range, the explosion not being heard for ten seconds. The next two exploded in five. The direction given to the shells is varied so as if possible to find out the location of the Confederates, who are supposed to be concealed in a thick wood to the southwest, on the hill, and apparently a mile from the mouth of Goose Creek. The fourteenth sounded like a solid shot, and the three following shells, which made a loud explosion, brought no answering shot from the Confederates.

At five minutes to 5 P. M. the battery in charge of Lieut. Frink, situated in a field to the southeast and some quarter of a mile from the Ferry, also opened with shell, the two batteries keeping up the fire with rapidly, each missile exploding beautifully. Just as the sun is going down, the 1st Minnesota and 2d New York come down over the hill, and take the road to the Ferry. The sun sets gloriously, reflecting his rays from the thousands of bayonets which line the road. The firing is renewed again from both Van Allen's and Frink's batteries. The troops are marching to the river with the intention either of crossing or of working a feint to do so, with a view of trying what effect the movement may have upon the enemy.

The air is perfectly still, and the close of this pleasant Sabbath is impressively calm and beautiful. The view of the Virginia hills from where I stand, near the battery, is almost enchanting. The echo of each report of our guns is heard from the opposite hills as distinctly as the report itself, and the explosion of each shell makes the third distinct report caused by each discharge. Something which resembles the sound of a drum-corps is distinctly heard from the Virginia side. The troops are drawn up along the bank in open order, and the order is now again passed along the lines to ‘"Fall in."’ There goes a boat-load of troops across the river, which looks like a real movement.

The two companies, after landing, were recalled, but at twelve o'clock three regiments crossed over, encamping on the Virginia side. This was evidently designed as the opening of the campaign in Upper Virginia, and to-morrow, no doubt, the whole force encamped near here will be thrown over. There is every prospect of lively, I hope not of disastrous, times. The Confederates will not do anything we wish them to. I now proceed to the camp near the Monocracy, to observe movements.

Monday Morning.--The engagement has been renewed this morning. At daylight, portions of the Massachusetts 20th, Col. Lee, and the Massachusetts 15th, Col. Devens, not over 300 in all, crossed over three-quarters of a mile below Conrad's Ferry. They crossed the Island, which, at this point, is about 150 yards wide, and three miles in its extreme length. These two companies,--viz: I and D, commanded respectively by Captains Bartlett and Crowningshield--met with no opposition on landing, and pushed on until they had reached the open space. This company, (H, of the 15th regiment,) went ahead as skirmishers, and were met in an open field by a company of 70 Confederates, who fired the first volley, wounding ten and taking two prisoners. The company charged on them and drove them back, but were in return driven back by a large cavalry force, besides a Mississippi rifle company.

This ended the contest for the morning; but a straggling fire was kept up on both sides until 1.30 P. M., when the Confederates renewed the engagement with great fury. They attacked in front and on the right flank. At this time Gen. Baker's brigade was arriving. They consisted chiefly of the Philadelphia Zouaves, under command of Col. Baxter.

Col. Vaughan, of the Rhode Island, had also arrived, and, with the greatest difficulty, succeeded in getting one of his six-pounder guns up the ascent, being obliged first to dismount the gun. This piece, with the two mountain howitzers belonging to the Twentieth Massachusetts, were all the heavy guns on the field. The fire was kept up from the right flank and front with great activity, the Confederates raining a perfect storm of balls upon the Union forces. The Twentieth, although mostly raw recruits, stood the enemy's fire like veterans. They ran up to the brow of the hill; delivered their fire, and only fell back to reload and repeat. This continued until 5½ P. M., the Union forces maintaining their position steadily against the deadly raking cross-fire from the front and left of the woods.

[The reader is referred to an extract clipped from this letter, which we published yesterday morning.]

The same correspondent continues his letter on Monday the 21st, of which the following is the conclusion:

‘ The officers of company A, Massachusetts 20th, are reported safe. Officers of company C--Capt. Dreher wounded in the face; Lieut. Wesselhoeft swam the river, but has not been seen.

Capt. Crowninshield, of company D, was slightly wounded in the arm, and has not reported. Lieut. Perry has not reported; neither has the Captain. Lt. Messer, same company, was exposed to great danger, the balls whistling all around him; but he escaped unhurt.

Of company E three officers were wounded. Among the wounded of company A is Lieut. Holmes, who was shot in the breast. He is the son of Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Capt. Babo, of company G, swam the river with young Wesselhoeft, but has not been heard of.

Capt. Putnam, of company H, lost his arm, which was amputated.

Lieut. Hallowell, company H, swam the river and constructed a raft on which to transport the wounded from the Virginia shore.

Wilson Sibly, company G, 15th Massachusetts, swam the river by advice of an officer, who plunged in and went ahead. When they got half-way across, and in the strongest of the current, some twelve Confederates fired at him. He saw their movement and dived at the flash, thus escaping their bullets. The officer was shot through the head, gave one loud cry, and sank to the bottom.

A young man who, a moment before, appealed to the captain to help him, on seeing his friend shot, sank exhausted.

Charles Head, of Company D, Fifteenth Massachusetts, says that when he was swimming across, he saw at least one hundred persons also making the same effort to escape from the tender mercies of the Confederates. Among them he observed Col. Bevins. There were many crying for ‘"help,"’ but he thinks not more than two-thirds reached the Island in safety. He himself gave out when several rods from the shore, and sank to the bottom, but contrived to walk ashore.

I arrived at the ferry, and crossed over shortly after 2 o'clock, P. M. Only three scows were in use, carrying say fifty men each, and occupying at least thirty minutes in getting each load over. I met wounded men returning in their comrades' arms, and bleeding from feet, legs, chest, head, arms, and every other description of wounds. I assisted in conveying them to a comfortable place in a large shed near the river, and proceeded toward the scene of action. Soon I reached an old farm-house, which was being used as a hospital. Groups of soldiers and persons not in uniform were crouching behind a corn-crib, built of logs, to shelter themselves from the bullets, which were now singing fearful music over our heads.

The aim appeared to be at the house containing our wounded. In the yard, and covering its whole space, lay the wounded, dead, and dying, in every stage of mutilation. The house contained two rooms, which were full to repletion — not a square foot of space remained unoccupied by the bleeding, wounded congregation. I took off my coat, and for half an hour rendered such assistance as an amateur surgeon could render. There was, as usual, a plentiful lack of surgical assistance, twenty poor fellows calling for aid, where only one or two could be attended to.

It was dark before the conflict closed, and I then recrossed the river and worked until this hour (7 A. M. Tuesday morning) in transporting the wounded in boats and litters to places of safety. I took my horse and rode to Edward's Ferry, where I obtained a canal boat, in which a large quantity of hey was placed for the comfort of the wounded. I reached the Ferry, and by 2 o'clock this morning we had about forty poor wounded sol-

diers on board, and quietly proceeded to the Ferry. Some fifty wounded were taken to a barn half a mile from the line of the canal. A large number, who could not be removed, remained at the farm-house on the island, and multitudes were left dead and dying on the bank of the Old Domission, their groans waking mournful echoes from the hills and woods. The officers have suffered severely. There is no way of ascertaining the actual number of casualties.

Another interesting statement.

The New York World has a statement from its correspondent, written from memoranda furnished by Captain Young, and said to be confirmed in all its details by Major Smith, of the California regiment. We copy a portion of it, as follows:

‘ At four o'clock our whole force had crossed and ascended, Col. Baker and staff with the rest, and the troops were suffering somewhat from the concealed enemy's fire. Many had dropped and been carried down the hill.

We asked Col. Baker what he thought of affairs. He said that he thought we had a good position; could fall back for shelter behind the ridge. ‘"Yes,"’ said we, ‘"but what's in those woods?"’ He answered, ‘"I think the enemy are concealed on our right."’ A private had reported that there was no force on the left, but a deep ravine, hidden by the woods. We then proposed sending skirmishers to make a reconnaissance on the right, and Capt. Markoe, Second Lieut. Williams and myself, advanced with companies A and D of the California regiment. Company A got in front of rising ground, in skirmishing order, company D following in line.

The California battalion, to make the story clear, were drawn up on the left of the open field; the Massachusetts 15th and Tammany on the right, and the Massachusetts 20th nearer the centre. Col. Coggswell took charge of the artillery. Only four guns were planted in the field, the rifle gun having been hauled up at the wrong place, and being afterwards seized by the enemy and spiked.

When our skirmishing companies had reached the edge of the woods, suddenly the enemy, hitherto concealed, rose with a yell and fired a volley; then began fighting in their usual manner, first giving a yell and volley, then loading and firing at will for a few minutes, and then ceasing an equal time; then giving another yell and volley, and so on, pouring a murderous fire into our little band for the space of half an hour. The whole woods swarmed with them. They had no artillery and no cavalry. Our Rhode Islanders, except the officers, deserted their guns; but Col. Baker, Lieut. Col. Wistar, Colonel Coggswell, and Adjutant Harvey manned the battery and fired the guns themselves, aided by company G, 1st California, led by the gallant Capt. Beiral.

We kept up both a musketry and cannon fire as well as we could, but half the time we could not see the enemy, and his cowardly discharges were thinning our ranks; still most of the men stood firm, and acted bravely. The enemy's volleys and yells increased in loudness, and it was evident that reinforcements were pouring in to his aid. At 5½ P. M. we held a council of war, and resolved to stand our ground, Gen. Baker ordering me to go for reinforcements. By this time Coggswell was wounded — Wister had fallen. The enemy were growing more daring, rushing out of the woods, taking some prisoners, and firing hotly.

Just then a rebel officer, riding a white horse came out of the woods and beckoned to us to come forward. Col. Baker thought it was Gen. Johnston, and that the enemy would meet us is open fight. Part of our column charged, Baker cheering us on, when a tremendous onset was made by the rebels. One man rode forward, presented a revolver at Baker, and fired all its charges at him.--Our gallant leader fell, and at the same moment all our lines were driven back by the overwhelming force opposed to them. But Capt. Bieral, with his company, fought his way back to Col. Baker's body, rescued it, brought it along to me, and then a general retreat commenced.

I got the Colonel's body to the island before the worst of the rout, and then, looking to the Virginia shore, saw such a spectacle as no tongue can describe. Our entire forces were retreating, tumbling, rolling, leaping down the steep heights; the enemy following them, murdering, and taking prisoners. Col. Devin left his command, and swam the river on horseback. Col. Cogswell, after unavailing bravery, had ordered the retreat himself, but, being wounded, was taken. The one boat in the Virginia channel was speedily filled and sunk. A thousand men thronged the further bank. Muskets, coats, and everything were thrown aside, and all were desperately trying to escape. Hundreds plunged into the rapid current, and the shrieks of the drowning added to the horror of sounds and sights.--The enemy kept up their fire from the cliff above. All was terror; confusion, and dismay. A captain of the Fifteenth Massachusetts at one moment charged gallantly up the hill, leading two companies, who still had their arms, against the pursuing foe.

A moment later, and the same officer, perceiving the hopelessness of the situation, waved a white handkerchief, and surrendered the main body of his regiment. Other portions of the column surrendered; but the rebels kept up their fire upon those who tried to cross, and many not drowned in the river were shot in the act of swimming.

Night came on. At 8 P. M., all of our band whose fortune it was to return had landed on Harrison Island, and the fire from the Virginia heights had ceased. The rebels took all our guns but one. When I left yesterday they had shouted to us, telling us to come over and take away our dead sons of b — s under a flag of truce, had also mounted our own guns on the heights, and warned us to leave the island in four hours.

The Washington Star's account.

From the Washington Star, of the 25th inst., (the king devil of all Abolitiondom,) we gather the following in relation to the affair:

‘ It has transpired that Major Gen. MeClellan did not design throwing either the force of Gen. Stone or Gen. Banks over the river; and that all that was really intended by Gen. Stone was to accomplish a reconnaissance in some force, without fighting an engagement. To that end Col. Devens was sent over the river with 300 men, and on Col. Baker was devolved the duty of covering Col. Devens's return to the river, with 7,000 men; or of extending the reconnaissance quite to Leesburg, if successfully crossing over his whole force of 7,000 men, and ascertaining positively that the force of our or five thousand which the enemy had between Stone's command and Leesburg had been withdrawn, as was alleged.

Col. Baker crossed but a thousand of his men, and pushed forward, hearing that Devens had been attacked. He soon found himself assailed in front and upon his right flank by a force that gradually swelled to four or five thousand. As his men were wounded they were sent back singly to the river; and in crossing them, so great was the confusion (there having been no guard left with the boats) as that by overloading they were sunk before the main body reached the river in retreat. From first to last our whole force engaged fought with the courage and discipline of veteran regulars, though outnumbered four or five to one.

We hear that there were no scouts thrown out ahead or on the right flank, nor was any guard left in the rear to protect the approach of any portion of the rest of the 7,000 that might follow the force of about 1,000, with which Col. B. left the river bank. Three hundred did follow, and were unable to form the junction on that account.

A dispatch received from Gen. Stone's command just as we go to press, reduces the total killed, wounded, and missing of the Massachusetts 20th, in the engagement of Tuesday last to 165, with some of those hourly coming in. It will be remembered that on the day before yesterday that regiment was said to have lost full 600 men.

To quiet the weak nerves of those who are in a flutter, fearing the crossing of the Confederates into Maryland, opposite Aquia Creek or that vicinity, we have to say that we have by this time there a force of ample strength to make the experiment a fatal one to the enemy, should they attempt it.

There were lost in the engagement of Tuesday last two howitzers and one James 13-pounder rifled gun, the latter the property of the Rhode Islanders, which on that occasion was in the hands of New York troops. No Rhode Island troops were engaged, as has been stated.

The Baltimore South's Comments.

From the Baltimore South, of October 25th, we extract the following in regard to the Leesburg fight. Doubtless the conjectures of this journal, as respects the Federal force engaged, are about as near correct as any that can be obtained from that quarter:

‘ Gradually we are arriving at the truth about the action near Leesburg on Monday last, though many facts are still misstated. The official telegram put Baker's forces at only 1, 736, when the very same authority shows that the entire 15th and 20th Massachusetts regiments--at least 2,000 men — participated, and that 680 of the California, together with detachments of the 13th Massachusetts and New York Tammany regiments, Col. Van Allen's cavalry, and two batteries of artillery, were also on the ground. It is impossible to place this force at less than 4,000 men which must have been the number of the brigade of Gen. Evans, which made the attack. The loss in the California regiment alone was 237, and the total must have been much greater than 620, as acknowledged in the official reports.

By the latest advices last night we learn that General McClellan had returned to Washington and that Generals Banks and Stone, intimidated by the threatening front presented by the Confederates, had recrossed the river on Wednesday night and were all day yesterday on the Maryland side. It is said that General McClellan would send to-day very heavy reinforcements to Bank, in order to enable him to take Leesburg. Meantime the Confederates have been informed of the movement, and are pressing forward large reinforcements. A severe and perhaps decisive engagement on the Upper Potomac

seems inevitable within perhaps the present week. The Confederate force now near Leesburg is said to be at least 30,000, which was constantly receiving large additions.

The New York Tribune's dispatches.

From the New York Tribune, of Friday last, we extract the following paragraphs from its special dispatches:

‘ An impression is being created that Colonel Baker exceeded his instructions, and did not retreat, as ordered, when he found the enemy in overwhelming strength. There was no possible retreat, save by swimming the Potomac. The only flat boat by which they got over was sunk. The disaster is attributable to the want of transportation. The order given by General Stone to Col. Baker was picked up with his hat, out of which it had fallen, covered with blood and brains. It is in the city.

The loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was estimated this morning, when General McClellan left, at 625 men, of whom 79 are thought to have been killed, and 120 wounded. Gen. Stone telegraphs this evening, however, that many of the missing are coming in — The Sergeant-Major, and a Captain of the Massachusetts 15th, at first reported lost, have returned.

The Bulletins of the Leesburg battle.

From the Maryland News Sheet, of the 26th, published in Baltimore, (which, by-the-way, does not fully endorse Lincoln's Administration, as we had supposed since the change of proprietors and name of the journal,) we copy the following:

‘ The battle of Leesburg, or Ball's Bluff, as it is now called, exceeds, if that be possible, the battle of Bull Run in the variety of reports that have been made concerning it — officially and otherwise — and in the diametrically opposite conclusions that the Government telegraphers and the Northern journalists and their correspondents have come to concerning it. It has been celebrated as a great triumph and honored as a great disaster. The Federal troops have been landed for their heroic courage, and denounced for their want of spirit. They are said to have maintained their ground, and to have been driven from it; to have lost but few men, and to have lost a great number; to have advanced to Virginia, and to have retreated into Maryland; to hold a position on the ‘"sacred soil"’ from which they cannot be driven, and have abandoned the position for fear of being cut off from their supports.

’ A glance at some of the contradicting accounts that have reached us during the past three days, will serve at least to prove to the seekers after truth that it still lies, as of old at the bottom of a well:

‘ The Union forces engaged were only about 1,800.--Associated Press, Oct. 22.

The force on our side was 1,736 men.--Associate Press, Oct. 24.

’ The regiments engaged, as drawn from official and semi-official sources, were as follows:

‘ California Brigade--three regiments; 15th Massachusetts; 20th Massachusetts; Tammany regiment; Minnesota regiment. The regiments composing Stone's command, and forming the right-wing.

The total number of men conjectured to have been thrown across the river, from 8,000 to 10,000 men.

Col. Baker took command. Gen. Stone gave him 7,000 men, being Col. Baker's own brigade and the Tammany regiment, with cavalry and as much artillery as the enemy had, and the residue of the 15th and 20th Massachusetts, being the best regiments he had. Statement of Capt. Colburn, Aid to Gen. McClellan. Tribune, Oct. 25.

The Confederate forces number some 4,000. Associated Press, Oct. 22.

The Confederate force supposed to be from 4,000 to 10,000.--Second Dispatch, same date.

The number of the enemy is supposed to have been between 13,000 and 30,000.-- Associated Press, Oct. 24.

Our total killed, wounded, and missing, was about 200.-- Wash. Star, Oct. 22.

We have lost about 1,000 men in killed, wounded and missing.--N. I. Tribune, Oct. 23.

Killed, wounded, and missing, from official data, 625.--Associated Press, Oct. 24.

Our forces lost in killed and wounded — about 500 men.--Philadelphia Press, Oct. 23.

The California regiment lost 505 out of 684.--N. Y. World, Oct. 23.

The 15th Massachusetts regiment, left on the Virginia shore after the boats were swamped, made a desperate resistance, and it is believed that the enemy took comparatively few prisoners in consequence.--Associated Press, Oct. 23.

The scene at the river side was horrible in the extreme. The Confederates came to the edge of the hill, and fired down upon our retreating masses. The one boat filled and sunk, and those who did not attempt to swim across were forced to surrender. Many were drowned in crossing, and the Confederates kept up a murderous fire on those struggling in the water.-- Associated Press, Oct. 23.

The most reliable accounts from the Upper Potomac, this morning, state that our troops had returned to their positions in far better order than was anticipated, and now hold the Virginia side of the Potomac.--Associated Press Dispatch, Oct. 22.

The latest intelligence from the Union army in Virginia, opposite Leesburg, received by the War Department up to the hour at which the first edition of to-day's Star goes to press, conveys intelligence of Gen. McClellan's arrival there at 8 P. M. yesterday, finding all quiet, and the commands of Gens. Stone and Banks in excellent condition, and fine positions on the Southern or Western side of the river.-- Washington Star, Oct. 23.

Gen.--McClellan was with Gen. Banks yesterday, and was at the army ferries at 8 o'clock last night, when, on consultation with Banks and Stone, it was decided that they had a force in Virginia equal to any emergency that could possibly occur.-- Cor. Philadelphia Press, Oct. 23.

All accounts agree that our forces were successful in crossing the river, and gained a most important strategic point.--Philadelphia Press, Oct. 23.

For the moment, it would appear, it belongs to the right wing to open the business. In front of Washington our forces are held back with a steady reign, and forbidden to occupy positions which it is certain are to be had at any moment — waiting until the movement of Banks shall have made an advance practicable. The latter is now crossing the Potomac with a large force of excellent troops, heavily increased of late, according to report. There is hardly a doubt that he will be in ample strength to carry all before him, and then probably the army will raise the cry, which, until it is heard there, should be suppressed everywhere else--‘"On to Richmond."’--Boston Advertiser, Oct. 24.

The object of the movement (crossing the river) of Gen. Stone, was to secure the command of the Virginia shore, that his division, and that of Gen. Banks, could be safely transferred to the soil of Virginia.--Washington Star, Oct. 22.

Yesterday on learning that a large force of the enemy were approaching, and had arrived at two points above and below and in the immediate vicinity of the ferry, it was judged advisable to withdraw the portion of our troops from the Virginia shore, both at Edward's Ferry and Harrison's Island.--Associated Press, Oct. 24.

From New York — effect of the Leesburg battle, &C.

The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger says:

‘ The drawback to-day is the heavy loss of life at the battle near Leesburg. As there were not a few New Yorkers engaged, the list of killed, wounded, and missing, is looked for with painful anxiety. The city journals are scolding the Government for holding back the particulars of the battle so long.

The city banks promptly responded to-day to the call of the Secretary of the Treasury for the remaining three millions and a half of their quota of the Government loan; and what must be equally gratifying to Secretary Chase, in so doing they only employed Treasury notes to the trifling amount of $14,000.

The United States Circuit Court was again crowded to-day with spectators anxious to witness the continuation of the trial of the Savannah privateers. The testimony for the Government having been taken, Mr. Laroque opened in an elaborate argument for the defence. He referred to the letters of marque granted by the Continental Congress to citizens of Massachusetts as a precedent, and defended the prisoners on the ground that they were in the service of what they considered a de facto Government. The learned gentleman objected to the jurisdiction of this court to try the prisoners, contending that, when the prisoners were taken by the Minnesota to Hampton Roads, that they were within the jurisdiction of Virginia, and that was the only place where they could be legally tried. The case is still in progress, and will be continue to-morrow.

The capture of the New York brig Granada by the privateer Sallie, off Charleston, adds to the apprehensions felt by ship owners in regard to these freebooters. The war risk was not inserted in the policy of the Granada, and she is, therefore, a total loss.

Gen. Baker Obeyed Instructions in the Leesburg affair.

‘" on,"’ the special Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun has the following in regard to the fight, which we think sets at rest the charge made by some of the Lincoln press, that Gen. Baker acted without orders from McClellan:

‘ Epistolary accounts of the late affair at Ball's Bluff have been sent to Northern journals, which will impress upon the public the belief that it was worse than it really proves to be. If the affair is to be considered merely as a reconnaissance, it was certainly a bold though costly one; but if it was intended as a permanent advance, it does not seem to have been well advised and sustained. Until the official accounts shall appear the matter cannot be well understood. It is asserted, however, on the part of the friends of Col. Baker,

that he acted in strict conformity with orders, which he showed to several persons and which were found in his hat. It is also stated that Col. Baker was, till the moment of his death, perfectly confident of victory, and had expressed great satisfaction with the position and duty assigned him.

’ ‘"Age,"’ another correspondent of the Sun. writing from Washington under date of Oct. 25, says:

‘ As the statement has been published, much to the injury of Col. Baker's military reputation, that he did not act in accordance with orders at the affair near Edward's Ferry, it is but just to state that his friends claim that his written order, found upon his person, exonerate him from the charge. The order in question was found under the lining of his cap, where it was penetrated by a bullet, and was saturated with blood. I hear that his friends have made a statement to the President touching the matter. It is not now supposed that General Banks's entire command crossed the river.

The funeral of Gen. Baker.

The Baltimore News Sheet, of Saturday last, has the following paragraph relative to the funeral of Gen. Baker:

‘ The funeral of the late Colonel Baker, which took place at Washington on Thursday last has been described by the various correspondents of the newspaper press. We only allude to it here for the purpose of introducing a sentence from the funeral sermon delivered by the Rev. Byron Sunderland, D. D., of Washington. In the course of his remarks he said "that the judgments of God were poured upon us for our sins. I acknowledge and believe it to be fearfully true. But I do not think that the punishment of this people for our transgressions is the only or even the chief one of the Divine purpose in this war. I believe the purpose is to purify the nation, and to give the death blow to slavery on the American continent."

A "current" Dispatch.

The Baltimore Clipper, of Saturday, the 26th, publishes the following telegram:

Washington, Oct. 25.--Private accounts from the Upper Potomac this morning, represent that soldiers reported as missing are from time to time coming into camp, whilst others, carried down by the current of the liver, are known to be now under shelter in tenements on its banks.

There are about 650 of the ‘"missing"’ now ‘"under shelter in tenements"’ in Richmond. The ‘"current"’ that brought these prisoners here was composed of detachments of soldiers from the Confederate army.

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Baker (44)
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Wesselhoeft (4)
Oliver Wendell Holmes (4)
Frink (4)
Young (2)
Wister (2)
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N. I. Tribune (2)
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Messer (2)
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Baker Obeyed Instructions (2)
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Evans (2)
Dreher (2)
Devin (2)
Crowninshield (2)
Crowningshield (2)
Colburn (2)
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