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In Quest of his Wife.

--We take the following amusing incident from the New Orleans Picayune, of the 25th:

‘ An unsophisticated son of Old Ireland, dressed in the garb of a volunteer, called on Recorder Emerson yesterday afternoon to obtain the release of his wife, arrested, as he was informed, on the 13th of August last, for a breach of peace. When his Honor kindly asked him for her name, the soldier answered, with a charming ingenuity, he did not know for sure, but he was certain a woman was sent to the Parish Prison, on the 13th of August, and that prisoner was his better half.

‘"Is it,"’ said Mr. Emerson, who had looked over the register of arrests, ‘"Mary Carroll?"’

‘"Yes,"’ replied the husband, ‘"that's she,"’ ‘"No, it cannot be, for I see this woman was arrested on the 17th; but it may be Kate Carroll"’

‘"Exactly so! Please to give me an order for the release of my darling Kate, I long so much to see her."’

‘"But this Kate was arrested for drunkenness, and you say your wife never took a drop of liquor."’

‘"And sure, your Honor, she never didn't."’

‘"I rather think your wife's name is Mary O'Neal."’

‘"You are right, there you have it. Will you be koind enough to give me an order for Mary O'Neal? In case she is not my wife, I promise you I will bring her back; 'pon my word, I am honest. I want Mary O'Neal, if she is my woife; but I will have nothing to do with her in case I don't know her."’

There was such a sterling honesty beaming on the jovial face of the volunteer, that the Recorder signed the order for Mary O'Neal's release; and the volunteer, making a military bow, left the room, pledging again his word of honor not to take the wrong woman.

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