An Excellent Recipe for making yeast.
--A lady requests us to publish the following:‘ Take a good tablespoonful of hops, pour on them one quart of boiling water, let it boil 10 minutes, strain and scald it with half a cup of flour, stir till smooth, (and add, if you choose, a well mashed potato, though not essential.) Set this yeast aside to ferment; after which mix with it as much meal and flour as will make it stiff enough to crumble. The proportions should be a light teacup of flour to every good pint of meal. Make the mixture quite salt; then crumble on dishes, and dry in the shade, taking care to stir it occasionally whilst drying. Two teaspoonsful of this, dissolved in milk-warm water, will lighten two quarts of flour. This yeast will keep for six months if put in a dry place; never sours in hot weather, requires very few hops, and is always ready; besides being easily carried. On that account it is particularly suitable for camp life.