From Norfolk.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]
There is much talk about a supposed intention of the Northern vandals to attempt an attack upon Norfolk, Portsmouth, and the Navy-Yard, from Hatteras, at which place, it is stated, a large Federal force has landed. I do not think there is any danger to be seriously apprehended from this newly-discovered plan of the enemy.
A man who is supposed to entertain sentiments hostile to the South was arrested yesterday at the Navy-Yard.
A review of the Light Artillery batteries near the city will take place to-morrow afternoon.
There was another storm here last night.--Yesterday afternoon rain fell in considerable quantities, and a heavy gale took place during the night — the wind blowing very strongly from southeast.
Lieut. Jas. F. Milligan, who has recently received a commission as Captain in the Confederate States Army, was formerly connected with the United States revenue service, and as soon as the war commenced, he took an active part in opposition to the efforts of the presumptuous hirelings of Lincoln, and showed himself very useful as signal officer, &c. He is from the noble State of Missouri, where his father resides. Capt. M. has seen hard service among the Indians of the Northwestern frontier, an is ready for almost any daring exploit in which the common enemy can be damaged.