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Additional by the North American.
American Affairs in England — advance in
cotton and decline in Brendstuffs, &c.

Montreal, Sept. 3.
--The North American reports seeing the steamship Nova Scotian at noon on the 29th August, and the Bohemian on the 1st, off Anacostic, both bound to Liverpool.


The London Times publishes Dr. Bussell's correspondence to the 5th of August. The last letter mainly refers to the alleged insubordinate state of the army, at the same time crediting Gen. McClellan with speedy reforms.--He says that the Southerners believe they will be safe if they hold out until October, and that at the end of the year the Northerners will be further from their aim than ever. The Times has another editorial on the financial difficulties of the American Government.

It says that the course pursued at Washington throws into the shade all borrowing of England.

The election for member of Parliament in South Lanceshire has resulted in the choice of Charles Turner, a Conservative. This is regarded as a ministerial defeat.

The weather in England is rather variable and less favorable, but no injury has been done to the crops. The harvest progresses finely.

A commercial treaty between England and the German Customs Union is being negotiated.

The Italian Minister of Marine has contracted with Mr. Webb, the New York ship builder, for two iron-cased frigates, on the model of the La Guerre.

Among the papers read at the meeting of the Social Science Congress at Dublin, was one by Mr. Basely, M. P., of Manchester, entitled, ‘"With Cotton, employment and food; without it, famine and expatriation."’ He said manufacturers expected to be able to command a supply of cotton to keep them working with tolerable regularity until spring. The crop was growing up in the Southern States, but the difficulty would be to obtain it. Certainly it will be short of past years Mr. Basely is an extensive spinner, and said that cotton is now laid down in his warehouse at twelve and a half per cent, in excess of the price paid to American planters, whereas to bring cotton from Bearer would cost two hundred per cent. on the price paid to the Roots of India, owing to the difficulty of transportation.

Dr. McGowan, an American, said that the statesmen of the country would hall with delight the efforts to relieve them from the monopoly of cotton.

The matter of supply of the staple was further discussed, when Miss Sarah Redmond read a paper on ‘"American Slavery and its influence on Great Britain."’

M. Chevalier, the celebrated French free trader, then denounced the Morrill tariff as the bill of discord.

The Times announces the following changes in the Colonial Department: P. E. Woodhouse, late Governor of British Guiana, succeeds Sir George Grey as Governor of the Cape of Good Hope; Sir Francis Hincks goes from the Governorship of Barbadoes to that of British Guiana; Hon. Arthur Gordon, son of the late Earl of Aberdeen, is to succeed H. Manners Sutton in New Brunswick; Colgue Brown, late Governor of New Zealand, succeeds Sir Henry Young, in Tasmania, and Sir Dominique Daly, late Governor of Prince Edward's Island, goes to South Australia.


The Emperor continued to remain at the Chalons camp. Grand manœuvres had been prevented by the intense heat of the weather.

The Paris Bourse was firm and animated at the opening, but closed lower. The Rentes were quoted at 68f. 45

The Moniteur publishes the text of a convention between France and England, regulating the immigration of Indian laborers into French colonies.


The rupture between Austria and Hungary is regarded as complete. No new movement had taken place, and no imperial decree had been issued, but the dissolution of the Hungarian Diet was fully anticipated, to be followed by a manifesto against Hungarian pretensions.


It was reported that the Marquis de Villamarina had been appointed Governor of Naples, in place of the Marquis Defitto.

Gen. Claldini, in a speech to the municipal council of Naples, reiterated the policy of the King's government, including the deliverance of Venice and the obtainment of Rome as the capital of Italy. He exhorted all faction to cease, that the people might be united.

The English squadron continued at Naples, and the French papers were complaining that the crews belonging to the same were daily suffered to go on shore in detachments to drill.

Commercial intelligence.

The Latest--Friday.--Breadstuffs continue to decline; the sales have been small. There have been no sales of wheat since last report, and prices are 2d. lower.

Liverpool Provision Market — Beef quiet.--Porkdull Lard inactive at 46 50s. Tallow firmer at 45 47s. Bacon has a downward tendency. Ashes quiet: Pots 30s; Pearls 35s.

Liverpool Produce Market.--Sugar firm.--Coffee quiet, but steady. Rice quiet. Linseed Oil firm. Rosin (common) is quoted at 7s 6d 7s 9d. Spirits of Turpentine firm at 48d 50s.

London Markets — Breadstuffs heavy, with a slight decline of all qualities. Sugar steady. Coffee has an upward tendency. Tea firm — Rice steady. Tallow firmer. Linseed Oil quiet.

London Money Market.--Consols, for money, 91½ 91¼. American stocks--Illinois Central Railroad 39½a38½ per cent. discount; Erie Railroad 23¾a24¼.

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