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Good Reading for soldiers.

--We have received from Rev. A. E. Dickinson, General Superintendent of Colportage, copies of the following excellent tracts, which he has just issued, and is now sending out to the various encampments in this State:

‘"Are You Ready?"’--This tract is an earnest and eloquent appeal to the soldier, and is not inferior to many of the fervent appeals in ‘"Baxter's Call"’ and ‘"Aliene's Alarm."’

‘"How can I be Saved?"’--This contains a lucid and forcible exposition of the way of salvation. We do not see how a better tract could be written on this most important subject.

‘"A Soldier's Appeal."’--This is from the pen of a pious soldier, and was written while at his post on the tented field. He writes from a full heart, and his words are full of wisdom.

We heartily commend these and the many other good tracts that are being published by this Colportage Board. Let the tracts be put in the hands of every soldier on Virginia soil, and great good will be effected.

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