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Coming to Richmond.

The first detachment of Scott's army, which was to have arrived in Richmond on the 29th of July, was, after all, only three days behind time. Among them are a part of the Zouaves, whose regiment was annihilated in the late battle, and whose old Colonel, Ellsworth, was killed by the patriot Jackson. We recollect to have seen an envelope, covering a letter from a New York Christian Association to the Christian Association of this city, in which Jeff. Davis was represented as hanging from a gallows, guarded by these Zouaves under Ellsworth. Where are Ellsworth and his Zouaves now! Where are the wretcher who came to Virginia, and were heard to declare on the cars from New York to Washington that they would dishonor every woman in the South and divide the farms among themselves? Where are the wretches whose favorite motto was ‘"Beauty and Booty?"’ If the detachment which guarded the prisoners to their quarters Tuesday night had marched them at once to the river, and sent them to look for their ‘"Beauty and Booty"’ at the bottom of the James, they would have only done what Northern men would have done if the South, with such threats or without them, had invaded the North.

But the South is merciful and forbearing, and until a different course is forced upon her, will conduct this contest on the recognized principles of civilized warfare. There is a duty, however, which the Government owes to the people, the stern performance of which public sentiment will demand, and which the letter of President Davis to Lincoln assures us will be fulfilled. Our own observance of the usages of war must be based upon that of the enemy. Their prisoners in our hands must be treated as they treat ours; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.--For this purpose, prisoners should be so closely guarded as to afford no possible chance of escape. We have now a good supply on hand, Let Mr. Lincoln begin his work of barbarism whenever it pleases him.

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