It is confidently stated that Hon. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, still a resident of Washington, will be offered the post of Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, vacated by the death of Justice McLean, of Ohio.
Archbishop Hughes and Bishop Timon recently visited the 69th New York Regiment at their encampment over the Potomac.
Flour is selling at Memphis Tenn., at $6.50-$7 for superfine; hams 15a17 per lb;8 butter, 25 30c; fresh beef, 8a12
A private of the South Carolina Cavalry corps was slightly injured in Petersburg, on Friday last, by having his horse to fall on him.
Parthenia Graves, a free negro, of Sussex county, Va., charged with stealing $28, was sentenced to the Penitentiary for one year, on Friday last.
The Cincinnati papers announce the death of Judge Parker, of that city.