Federal troops in Baltimore.
--The Baltimore Sun, of Monday, says:‘ Charles K. Waller, of Concord, N. H., 1st Lieutenant of the Good win Guards, Company B., of the New Hampshire Regiment, fell from the platform of one of the cars near Westfield, N. J., and had his leg so much injured as to require amputation at the thing.
While the 17th N. Y. Regiment were waiting at the Camden depot yesterday morning, private of Company E, while standing in the ranks, solicited from a boy a drink of water, upon which the Lieutenant of the company struck the soldier a violent blow across the temple, inflicting a severs wound, from which the blood flowed freely.
Insubordination in the ranks was perceptible in numerous instances in particular companies of the two regiments yesterday, and oaths were exchanged between the officers and men. Discontent with their treatment, and a disregard for their personal comfort, seemed to be the great ground of complaint.