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The State Convention will assemble at the Mechanics' Institute, in this city, on Wednesday next. The preparations for the accommodation of the assembly are nearly complete. The large hall has been divided by an iron railing, which affords space outside for spectators, and is also so arranged as to give a clear passage-way to the committee rooms adjacent. The President's platform is on the North side of the hall, and is covered with a rich tapestry carpet. Fronting this, seats and tables for the members are to be arranged in semicircular form. In the rear of the members' seats, there will be a large number of settees, intended for spectators who receive special invitations to occupy them. The entire hall is carpeted, and the furniture all combines neatness with comfort. Proper regard has been paid to the accommodation of lady visitors, who will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity to witness the deliberations and hear the debates.--The exhibition fixings have all been removed from the stage at the western extremity of the hall, and the entire space is covered with settees, where the fair guests can assemble and see and be seen, without interruption; for the masculine gender will be entirely excluded therefrom. The ladies, as well as the members, will enter through the lower hall, and ascend the rear steps to the Convention room. The crowd will go in by the front entrance, and occupy the separated space on the floor, which will be furnished with settees, or the gallery, as they may select. To the committee appointed by the Legislature, and to Mr. J. D. Smith, upholsterer, (who superintends the work,) much praise is due for the excellent arrangement of the hall. We understand that Mr. J. W. Davies proposes to place a large painting of Washington crossing the Delaware above the President's chair, and perhaps the walls will be adorned with other pictures of eminent men.

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