Commissioner's Sale of two young and likely Negro Men and Personal property in the county of Hanover, near "Goodall's."
--As Commissioner of the County Court of Hanover, appointed by a decree entered on the 29th day of November, 1860, in the cause of Crenshaw vs. Crenshaw estate. I shall sell at public auction, at my residence, on Tuesday, the 1st day of January, 1861, (if fair; if not, the next fair day,) at 12 o'clock M., two young and likely Negro Men, the property of Virginia T. Crenshaw, dec'd; and at the same time, as her administrator, I will sell her Perishable property.)Terms.--Cash, as to so much as may be necessary to pay the cost of the suit and expenses of the sale; for the residue, a credit of six months, the purchasers giving bonds with approved security.
Special Comm'er. de 20--d3tsw&cwtds.