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Dr. Charles B. Mitchell was elected, on the 21st inst., a Senator in Congress, from the State of Arkansas, for six years from the 4th of March next.

The law office of Daniel Marr, near Campbell Court-House, Va., together with all his library, bonds, papers, &c., was consumed by fire on the night of the 28th inst.

Thomas J. Holton, editor of the Charlotte, (N. C) Whig, died on the 27th inst., from being thrown from his buggy a few days before.

Soup Houses were opened in Philadelphia on Christmas. Only eleven persons called the first day, and they received 33 pints of soup.

The ice on the Hudson river at Troy, N. Y., was from six to eight inches thick on Monday last.

A letter from Vienna states that Baron Rothschild has won four-fifths of the great prize--30,000 florins — in the State lottery.

Louis A. Deville, of New York, committed suicide at the City Hotel, in Augusta, Ga., on the 27th inst., by cutting his throat.

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