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Sad case of Ruin and attempted suicide.

--On Tuesday night, a girl named Ann Burt, who is laboring under aberration of mind, attempted to commit suicide by hanging herself while in a cell at the lock-up, in Boston. Her life was saved with difficulty.--The Boston Traveller says:

‘ The girl, who is about twenty-one years of age, handsome and well educated, was brought from a house of ill-fame in Lowell street. She says that she was born at Norfolk, Va., and that her parents are dead. Two years ago she was attending one of the normal schools in this State, when she became the victim of misplaced confidence. After a short career of dissipation she found herself the companion of those who endeavored to make her go into the streets for the means of subsistence, and the thoughts of this degradation rendered her frantic and resulted in the desperate attempt above recorded.

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