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From Washington.

[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]
Washington, Dec. 20, 1860.
Senator Johnson's speech yesterday was the theme of universal praise among the abolitionists at the hotels last night. Southerners execrate it. Johnson is a Homestead bill man. See how certainly agrarianism leads a man to take sides with the abolitionists against his own people. What makes his coercion views more contemptible, is the fact that all the historical statements upon which they were based were collated by a person of the name of Flagg, and it is believed that he wrote the whole thing with his own hand.

"Old Joe" Lane's bold and defiant stand against Johnson will not be forgotten by those who witnessed it; nor will Johnson's refusal to allow Southern Senators to correct his misstatements fail to meet its reward.--When men, pretending to be Southern, make such bids for a place in Lincoln's Cabinet, what earthly chance is there of obtaining any concessions from the Republicans?

Senator Pugh has the floor to-day. He is a great man in small matters. Details are his forts.

The compromise which will come from the Crisis Committee will, I am told, amount in substance to the Missouri Compromise restoration suggested by Mr. Crittenden.

A letter received last night from the Governor of Alabama--a man more likely to follow public sentiment than to lead it — states that there is not a possibility of keeping the State in. Some people here think South Carolina is going to hang fire. Her members scout the idea. I have just read a letter from a business man in Tennessee, who says that the masses are moving for disunion, and that the Middle Confederacy notion will not be tolerated until Tennessee is satisfied that she cannot come to terms with the Gulf States.

Against all this comes the declaration made this morning in the prayer of the House Chaplain, to the effect that the cloud which so suddenly and fiercely overwhelmed the land was beginning to break. As soon as the prayer was ended, an Alabama member said: ‘That old man must be in possession of information not accessible to other people.’ "It is Toombs' letter," replied a Kentuckian, "which encourages him to make the statement." But Mr. Toombs declares that Georgia will go out, and her Congressmen deny that the vote of their Senate, refusing to aid a seceding State against Federal coercion, is true.

Mr. Clemmens, of the Wheeling district, arrived a day or two ago, and took his seat in the House. His health has improved rapidly since he was operated on last summer in New Orleans, and some pieces of detached bone were removed from his leg. He reports the people of his district ready to share the fate of Virginia, be that what it may. In Mr. Jenkins' district, I learn from undoubted authority that the secession feeling is growing.--Those mountaineers, I believe, would rather fight than not.

From where 1 sit, I have a good view of Sickles. His face is hollow and pale, and its expression unhappy. Few members have anything to do with him. His wife is here, but keeps very quiet, and is rarely seen by anybody.

The vote on Crawford's resolution, which affirmed that the Constitution recognized property in the African, ought to be known to the people of the South. It was tabled, voted down by the Northern men. Zed.

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