Additional by the Canada.
The following is additional intelligence by the Canada, from Liverpool on the 3d inst:‘ It was believed in Paris that the object of France in preventing the blockade of Gaeta by sea is merely to facilitate the escape of the King of Naples, and prevent complications which would result from his capture. The French journals offer no explanation of the affair.
’ The Paris Bourse closed firm and animated. Rentes 69f. 35
The Neapolitans reported the defeat of Gen. Cialdini, without loss, at the river Gariglinano. The official dispatches, however, from Turin, proclaim the report false. The Sardinians were not defeated at all.Capua was attacked on the 1st, and capitulated the following day. The royal troops were to leave with the honors of war, and after laying down their arms they were to go, on the 3d, to Naples.
Naples was illuminated in honor of the capitulation of Capua, and there were great rejoicing.
The attack on Gaeta was shortly expected to take place.
It is denied, via Turin, that Admiral Persano had commenced but suspended his firing on the royalists near Gaeta.
The recent advices from China confirm the previous news from that point.
The victory of the allies in China.
The French version of the China news says that on the 21st of September the allies, after a vehement resistance, carried by assault the most important of the Taku forts. Two hundred French and about the same number of English were placed hors du combat, and one thousand Tartars were killed, found in the forts. Among these was the General-in-Chief. The other forts surrendered successively the same evening. The capitulation gave the allies possession of the whole country as far as Tien-Sin and six hundred brass guns of large calibre.The Ambassadors were at Tien-Sin, where the Chinese Commissioners attended upon them to open negotiations.
It was reported that the Ambassadors would soon proceed to Pekin with a cavalry escort.
A Calcutta dispatch reports symptoms of disaffection in the sixth European regiment at Dinapore.
It is reported that the Turkish Government is about to negotiate a loan of £16,000,000 sterling at Paris. A national forced loan is also spoken of.Great financial fluctuations have been occurring at Constantinople.
The India and China mails were received in time to be forwarded by the Canada.
Commercial intelligence.
Liverpool, Nov. 3.--Cotton Sales of the week 111,500 bales. All qualities have considerably advanced. Middling and lower qualities improving ¼ @ ¾. Fine qualities have advanced but slightly. The steamer Vanderbilt's advices from the United States caused an advance. The sales of the week include 47,000 bales to speculators and 10 bales for export. The sales of Friday were 12,000 bales, including 5,000 bales for speculation and export.--The market closed firm at the following quotations: New Orleans fair 7¾d., middling 7d.: Mobiles fair 7¾d., middling 6¾d.; Uplands fair 7¼d., middling 6¾d.The receipt of the Vanderbilt's letters on Friday afternoon caused a considerable excitement on the market, giving rise to a large speculative inquiry. The sales of Friday are variously estimated at from 25,000 to 40,000 bales. This all occurred late on Friday afternoon.
Breadstuffs.--The market is firm. Flour is quiet and partially 6d. lower. Sales at 28s @ 32s. 6d.--Wheat is quiet, but firm — sales of red at 11s. 3d. @ 13s.; white 12s @ 14s. Corn generally closed with an advancing tendency, and all qualities have slightly advanced. Mixed 39s 9d.; white 43s. @ 46s.
Provisions — The market is quiet. Beef is dull. Pork is quiet, but prices firm. Bacon is quiet.--Lard is quiet at 63 cents. Tallow is firm at 54s. @ 54s. 6d.
Produce Ashes are steady: Pots 28s. 9d. @ 29s; Pearls 28s. 6d. @ 29s. Sugar closed buoyant at 6d. advance for refining. Coffee quiet Rice firm, and all qualities advanced. Linseed is scarce, at an advance of 1s. Linseed Cakes firm, at extreme prices. Linseed Oil is firmer, but dull. In Fish Oils, the sales have been unimportant. Rosin is steady at 5s. 3d @ 5s. 6d. Spirits Turpentine is steady at 34s. 6d. @ 35s.
London Markets.--Breadstuffs are steady.--Iron-- Welsh closed firm; Bars also, at £5. 5s. @ £5. 10s. Sugar closed buoyant at 6d @ 1s. advance.--Coffee is active, and quotations are barely maintained. Rice is firm. Tea is generally unchanged, the market closing dull. Tallow of all qualities has slightly advanced, sales at 54s. Spirits Turpentine closed firm at 34s. 6d. @ 35s. Linseed Oil is dull at 29s 6d. @ 30s.
The London Money Market closed quiet, but steady.
The China news has had no influence on Consols.
The money market is unchanged, but the continual withdrawal of gold from the Bank has led to the belief that the Bank's minimum rate would soon be raised.
Bullion in the Bank had decreased £307,000.
The Latest.
Breadstuffs closed steady. Provisions closed quiet.
Consols leave off at 93.