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Death from burning fluid.

--One more terrible suicide from the careless use of burning fluid, has recently occurred in Rochester. The accident happened at Kellogg's factory. Miss Eliza Ann Catton, an accomplished and beautiful young lady, was spending the evening with her friend, Mrs. Mitchell, when the explosion occurred. The flames first communicated with the dress of Mrs. Mitchell, and, in endeavoring to extinguish the flames, Miss Catton was shockingly burned on her face, neck and arms, but with great presence of mind she ran into the bed-room as soon as her clothing caught fire, and enveloping herself in the bed-clothes, smothered the flames. Mrs. Mitchell survived until nearly 2 o'clock, in great agony, mitigated only by the use of chloroform, which was all that could be administered for her benefit, the whole surface, nearly, being burned to a crisp. The maternal instinct was beautifully illustrated in the case of Mrs. Mitchell, whose little boy, six years old, was asleep up stairs when the accident occurred. As soon as she found her clothing in flames that could not be extinguished, she ran immediately out doors, fearing the house would take fire and burn up her boy, and when her husband came into the room, upon reaching his house, her first exclamation upon hearing his agonizing groans, was, "O, Jim, I am dying for disobeying you! but I have saved our boy!" And almost the last words the poor sufferer uttered were, "Take good care of Charley." She was a beautiful young woman, in the flower of age, and her terrible death was the saddest tragedy ever witnessed.

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