The London journals.
It is remarked that in England every class and every opinion has its newspaper organ. The sporting world are represented by Bell's Life, the Sunday Times, the Era, the Field, the Sporting Times; and agriculture and commerce by the Mark Lane Express, the Farmer's Journal, and the Gardener's Chronicle.--The various shades of opinion in the Church of England are represented by the Guardians, the English Churchman, the John Bull, the Recorder; the Dissenters have the Non-Conformist, the Patriot, and the Bulwark; the Methodists, the British Banner, and the Wesleyan Times; The Roman Catholic Church, the Tablet, and the Weekly Register. The small towns have generally their weekly gazettes, whilst such a city as Edinburgh has eighteen, and Glasgow thirty, besides their daily papers.Politically, the London Times represents the public opinion, and its wonderful mobility seems its pervading spirit. The Morning Post, the Globe, the Observer, the Edinburgh Review, and the Examiner, are the principal organs of the Whig party. The Daily News, an independent Liberal journal, represents more particularly the Russell coterie of that party. The Tory organs are the Morning Herald. the Press, Fraser's Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, the Quarterly Review, and the Constitutional Press. The Morning Chronicle represents the liberal Conservative party; the Morning Star, the so-called liberal school of Manchester; the Daily Telegraph and the Westminster Review, radicalism; the Morning Advertiser, the ultra Protestant party.