Heavy Forgeries in Pennsylvania.
--The Pittsburg Chronicle, of Saturday, says:‘ A series of bold and extensive forgeries have just been brought to light in Washington, Pennsylvania. The operator was a man named J. W. Smith, a resident of Cross Creek township, and widely known in the neighborhood. It appears that for the last few years he has been operating in the live stock and produce business, and in that capacity has sought and obtained frequent accommodations for considerable sums of money, several of his immediate neighbors becoming endorsers.
It turns out that his indebtedness upon fraudulent paper to different parties about town amounts to about $24,000, made up thus: Notes disposed of to Dr. J. F. LeMoyne, of Washington, $14,000; to Wm. Smith & Son, $8,000; to Franklin Bank of Washington, $1,000; to Wheeling banks, $5,000; to Wellsburg Bank, $2,000. Besides the foregoing, all of which are forgeries, Smith leaves other liabilities behind him, amounting to some $8,000 or $10,000. The scoundrel has, unfortunately for justice, made his escape to parts unknown, and there seems now but little probability that his capture will soon be effected. He has not been engaged in business for some time, and it is surmised that he took the greater part of his ill-gotten gain with him in his flight.