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The Virginia Sentinel.

The senior editor of this excellent paper, R. M. Smith, Esq., left Alexandria on Friday morning, passing through the lines of sentinels without detection. He publishes a card in the Enquirer of yesterday, addressed to his patrons, in which he gives a history of events in Alexandria, and adds:

‘ "It was perfectly evident that while Alexandria should be thus occupied, the publication of the Sentinel would be impossible. Indeed, from the time since which it has been understood that the very regard which our State Government feels for its people would for bid the defence of Alexandria under circumstances which, as at present, would in any result only ensure its speedy destruction, the editors have been constrained to contemplate the speedy interruption of their publication, as a very probable if not inevitable event.-- They could never consent to muffle their voice under the arbitrary edicts of the invaders who desecrate our soil. With every sentiment and emotion of their nature in indignant opposition to their intolerable pretensions, and in uncompromising and unconquerable rebellion against their tyrannous away, the editors of the Sentinel could never soften their words to suit the ears of our invaders, whether their legions should be chosen from among the more generous and gentlemanly of our foes, or composed of those whose enlistments and departure for the Southern war, had caused a sense of relief in all the streets of the cities which they called their homes.

"Nor did we suppose, nor do we now believe, that a journal conducted under such surveillance would suit the subscribers of the Virginia Sentinel. Our communing with them have been in vain, if they would fail to spurn the Sentinel, should it come to them as the gentle encomiast or trembling apologist of the assailants of our liberties, or the mute spectator of the desolation of the homes of our people.

"These considerations determined our course; but had they been insufficient, there is no reason to doubt that swift compulsion would have developed the same result. It is no mean source of satisfaction to be assured that the Sentinel was regarded as too fully committed to the cause of Virginia independence and Virginia glory, to be allowed to abide in peace under the shadow of the invader, even could it have stooped so low as to do obeisance with mouth in the dust."

’ The readers of the Sentinel, and the public at large, will be glad to learn from Mr. Smith that, in anticipation of the probability of this inroad, he had removed his large and valuable job office, presses, types, &c., and otherwise reduced the office outfit, though still valuable to the lowest amount that would admit of the continued publication of the paper. The arrangements, if any, which will be made to resume the speedy publication of the Sentinel will be duty announced. Subscribers who are indebted to that paper, and who desire to assist Mr. Smith in his present exigency by making payment, will please address him at Warrenton, Va.

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