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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
the war spirit in Mecklenburg-- barbecue --eloquent speeches — John S. Carlile, &c.

Clarksville, Va. May 28, 1861.
Having seen your request that your friends should furnish you with all important news, I will now endeavor to supply you with all news transpiring in Mecklenburg.

The war spirit is very contagious throughout the entire county, and I believe it is more prevalent here than anything else. The formation of volunteer companies is now a prominent characteristic of Mecklenburg. On Saturday last I had the good pleasure of being present at a barbecue, given by the people of Blue Shore, for the purpose of forming a volunteer company. A large number of persons were present, and manifested a desire that the company should be immediately organized. As soon as dinner was served up, we had the exquisite gratification of listening to the stump eloquence of Messrs. Boswell and McPhail.--The substance of Mr. Boswell's speech was, that every young man should come forward and enroll his name with those of other volunteers, and that if he now refused to serve his country when his services were needed, the finger of scorn would be hereafter pointed at him, and would be stigmatized with the brand of cowardice. As soon as he concluded, calls were made for ‘" McPhail."’ That gentleman came forward, and, like the eagle in his career through the skies, ascended higher and higher, till he reached the summit of eloquence.--He said that he was born upon the soil of Charlotte, and there were embosomed his parental ties; neverthelesss, he had migrated to Mecklenburg, and hoped that the people of his adopted land would sustain him in raising a volunteer company. They did sustain him, and shortly after, the company organized and unanimously elected Mr. Thos. T. Boswell Captain. On the same day a company was ororganized at this place, and Mr. John S. Word was elected Captain over T. Carrington, Esq., A Rifle Company has been organized, and Mr. Wm. Townes, Jr., elected Captain. Old Mecklenburg has sent three companies to the field, three more have organized, and two more are forming. The spirit which animated our Revolutionary fathers still burns a new in the bosoms of Mecklenburg's sons.--The thunderings of their musketry, and the flash of their swords and bayonets will be distinctly heard and seen in the battle's rage.--Your humble correspondent can faithfully recommend the Charlotte and Mecklenburg companies who have gone forth to battle. A residence of four years in Charlotte has given him almost a perfect acquaintance with the majority of the members of the Charlotte companies, and I can positively assure you that there is as much genuine spunk in their x-ranks as is in any other.

Much animosity prevails here against Carlile, alias Catiline, who has endeavored to sever the Old Dominion, and if I possessed a favorable opportunity I would be the Petreius who would rid the State of such a treacherous individual, and would crave no greater plaudit from posterity than to be considered the destroyer of one engaged in such a diabolical conspiracy.


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