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Later from Europe

--per Steamer Great Eastern.--The steamer Great Eastern arrived at New York Saturday from Liverpool, with advices to the 2d of May, via Milford Haven, which port she left on that day. She made the passage in nine days and thirteen hours.

The Southern States Commissioners had reached England.

Mr. Gregory's motion in the House of Commons relative to the recognition of the Southern Confederacy had been postponed for two weeks.

In the House of Lords, Lord Woodhouse stated in reply to a question, that the Government recognized no right or obligation to interfere in the conflict unhappily commenced in America, either diplomatically or otherwise.

The state of affairs at Warsaw continue unchanged.

The Emperor of Morocco has recognized the Kingdom of Italy.

Commercial News, Liverpool,May 1--Cotton — Sales of the last three days 30,000 bales, including 11,000 to speculators and for export. Messrs. Hewett report an advance of ½d. since Friday, the market closing quiet but steady. Middling New Orleans 7¾d. Manchester advices were favorable.

Breadstuffs.--Flour has declined 6d. Wheat closed steady. Corn dull.

Provisions.--The market closed quite steady.

Money Market.--Consols closed at 91¾a917/8; Illinois Railroad shares closed at 34 discount; Erie 21½.

American vessels homeward bound are being insured at four guineas, covering the war risk.

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