Roman Catholicism and slavery both to be
The New York Day Book quotes the following from the New York Times: ‘ "Like Popery, slavery is incompatible with the spirit of the age; or, in other words, with liberty and civilization. Their progress is at an end, and fate or Providence seems to have doomed them to speedy destruction by the folly of their devotees.
The Day Book, commenting on this paragraph, expresses the same opinion we have ourselves maintained, that--
"After civil freedom is destroyed by the monarchical, Puritanical, anti-republican party, it will, doubtless, turn its attention to the overthrow of religious freedom. It tried to get up a crusade against Catholicism a few years since, and in New England penetrated convents with Hiss Committees, &c.; but its onward progress was gallantly met by Old Virginia, and with the true Democratic instincts of equal rights, she conquered the destroyer. She fought and gained one of the most important battles for equal rights of this century, and she fought it for the North, which had been overrun by the pestilent heresy of Know- Nothingism. The return she gets for it is the invasion of her soil by the very men whom she most served."
’ We are glad to see that at least one paper in New York has the manliness and sense to present such views to the foreign population of the North, who are now expected to do all the fighting for the manufacturers and millionaires of that region. ‘"Keep it before them,"’ that they are expected to crush their own champion and deliverer. Never let them forget that they must be the next victims; that the fanaticism of the Puritan mind is as intense against Roman Catholicism as it is against slavery, as the blackened walls of the Convent, near Boston, and the ruins of their churches in the ‘"City of Brotherly Hate"’ testify.