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From Venezuela.

--Files from Laguayra, Venezuela, are to March 14. General Paez arrived at that port on the 13th, on board the Joseph Maxwell, from Philadelphia, and was received with every mark of respect. A salute of thirteen guns was fired, and speeches delivered. M. de Toureil, French Charge d' Affair es in the absence of M. Mellinet, who is in Europe, died at Carracas on March 1. His funeral was attended by all the dignitaries of the Republic and the foreign representatives. The Canary Islanders were returning in considerable numbers from San Domingo, most of them in a very destitute condition. The greatest harmony prevails for the present between Spain and Venezuela. The affair at Valencia, which we noticed the other day, was simply an emeute by a battalion of Government troops stationed at that place, who took possession of the town during the night and liberated all the prisoners. During the next day they were attacked and dispersed, with a few killed and wounded.

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