Schr. J. B. Cunningham, Whyatt, New York, hay and ice, B. Wardwell & Co.
Schr. J. W. Woolston, Whyard, Philadelphia, coal, S. P. Hawes & Son.
Schr. Access, Bennett, Norfolk, shingles, W. W. Wells.
Schr. Alexena, Smith, North Carolina, lumber. J. S. Steverson.
Schr. Minnesota, Hickman, Charleston, rice and iron. I. & G. B. Davenport.
Schr. Georgianna, Booth, Chickahominy River, wood.
Schr. Wythe, Tuttle, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie.
Schr. Mary Adams, Sparrow, Baltimore, wheat and corn.
Schr. John Boshwell, Farrill, down the river, light.