Opposition line for Mr. Vernon.
--Our brethren from the North now hunting office in Washington have created great astonishment by the wonderful exercise of their legs. Although Washington is justly styled the "city of magnificent distances," It is too small to call into play the full use of their powers. With carpet bag in hand, they walk to the Capitol, President's House, Georgetown and Mt. Vernon. They have walked all the hacks and omnibuses down in Washington and are now trying their legs against the Mt. Vernon steamer line. They will doubtless give up their last undertaking as it will be seen by the following notice that it involves a loss of shoe leather without any pecuniary gain:"Note.--All persons visiting Mount Vernon by the land route will be required to pay the same amount as entrance fee that is charged those going by water, viz: 25 cents."
The publication of this notice in view of the above facts, it will readily be seen, is clearly in self-defence, and with this advantage in their favor, the steamer will not be run off by the overland foot line whilst the charges are the same.-- Alex. (Va.) Sentinel.