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The duty on sugar.

--The following is the article of the new tariff on sugar, as corrected since the publication of the official act. It will be seen that it places the duty on all unrefined sugars at three-fourths of a cent per pound:

First.--On raw sugar, commonly called Muscovado, or brown sugar, not advanced beyond the raw state by claying, or other process; and on syrup of sugar, or of sugar cane, and concentrated molasses, or concentrated melado, and on white and clayed sugars, when advanced beyond the raw state, by claying or other process, and not refined, three-fourths of one cent per pound; on refined sugars, whether loat, lump, crushed or pulverized, two cents per pound; on sugars after being refined, when they are tinctured, colored, or in any way adulterated, and on sugar candy, four cents per pounds: Provided, That all syrups of sugar, or of sugar cane, concentrated molasses, or melado, entered under the name of molasses, or any other name than syrup of sugar, or of sugar cane, concentrated molasses, or concentrated melado, shall be liable to forfeiture to the United States; on molasses two cents per gallon; on confectionery of all kinds, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem.

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