From Charleston.
[Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]A dispatch was received here this evening from Washington, to the effect that our Commissioners would be received by Mr. Lincoln, and that the Forts would be surrendered, and that it was brought about by Mr. Seward.--This needs confirmation, and is, I think, exceedingly improbable.
I am glad to see that your people are waking up all over your State, and I cannot see what your Convention can be waiting for, unless it is to kill time. A gentleman said to me a few days ago, "those Virginians love to speak very much; pity what they loved to act as well. "
Are you a ware that Gov. Brown, of Georgia. Hon Wm. L Yancey, Hon. Mr. Benjamin, Hon Mr. Wigfall, and most of the leading men in the secession movement, every where, are Carolinian?
A rumor reached this city, a few days ago, in the effect that President Davis had vetoed the bill for suppressing the African slave trade. That report needs confirmation, and your Convention need not be at all alarmed upon that subject.
The weather to day was clear and fine, but as my present writing a regular March wind is blowing, and there is every appearance of a storm.
Our new Brigadier General, Beauregard, is here, and before long I will take his likeness.
I indicated yesterday that I would give you a portraiture of ‘"Father O'Neil,"’ the representative of the other caste of the Catholic Church here. The Reverend gentleman is an Irishman by birth but for many years a resident of this city. I should judge him to be about sixty years of age, about five feet eight, of fair complexion; stiff, bristly reddish hair; dresses in a long, rusty, black surtout coat, large broad-brim black hat, when walking, it is slow and clumsy, and, in consequence of carrying weight in front, has to lean considerably back, is altogether negligent as to his appearance, yet a man of mind, and wields an influence over the turbulent spirits of his countrymen almost akin to superhuman. He has never failed to quell a riot, except once, and on that occasion he thought "discretion the better part of valor." His congregation is made up entirely of his own countrymen, and he exercises, no doubt, a goodly influence ever them. He is benevolent and kind in his feelings, amiable and well-disposed, and may be said to be what the boys call "a good fellow." His manner of address is animated and full of gesture, and is loud and boisterous. Except that he is more fleshy, you have a perfect picture of him in one of the best men Virginia ever raised — that of the late Maj. Jesse Snead, of your city. Virginius.