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General Assembly of Virginia.
[extra session.]

Monday, March 11, 1861.

The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock, and opened with prayer by the Rev. T. V. Moore, of the 2d Presbyterian Church.

Richmond Charter Amendment.--A communication from the House was read, announcing the passage of several bills — among them a bill amending the charter of the city of Richmond, which was read and referred to the Committee on General Laws.

Treasury Note Bill Passed.--When the Senate adjourned on Saturday, it had under consideration the proposition of Mr. Paxtonto lay the bill authorizing the issue of Treasury notes on the table. The Senate refusing to lay on the table,

Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, proposed to amend by inserting $100 instead of $10, as the smallest amount for which the notes should issue.

Mr. Douglass proposed $50, which was accepted by Mr. Thomas.

Mr. August, Mr. Logan, &c., opposed the amendment, and Mr. Thomas, Mr. Rives, &c., advocated it — the latter contending that the issue would be unconstitutional, and the former maintaining the reverse.

The amendments were rejected — ayes 14, noes 27.

Mr. Paxton moved that the vote by which the amendment of Mr. Brannon was ordered to its third reading, be reconsidered. Lost.

The question then recurred on the passage of the bill as amended, when it was adopted by a vote of ayes 39, noes 1--Caldwell.

Bill Reported.--A bill to authorize the Treasurer of the State to destroy certain Bank notes now on deposit in his office, and such as may be received in future.

Bills Passed.--House bill authorizing the issue of Treasury notes; House bill for the relief of George W. Tucker, of Halifax co.; Senate bill to amend an act, entitled ‘"an act to incorporate the Mason City Mining and Manufacturing Company, in the county of Mason,"’ passed March 22d, 1860; Senate bill providing for the voluntary enslavement of Jane Payne, Mary Fletcher, and Glives; Senate bill to amend the 43d section of chapter 26 of the Code; Senate bill to incorporate the Virginia Mineral, Oil and Coal Company, in the county of Mason; Senate bill to incorporate the Jackson county Agricultural Society; Senate bill to enforce the payment of balances due from Commissioners of forfeited and delinquent lands; Senate bill to incorporate the Rockbridge White Sulphur Springs Company.

Laid on the Table.--The bill to incorporate the Parkersburg Bridge Company coming up on its third reading, Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, opposed its passage, and offered a ryder thereto.

Mr. Paxton moved to amend the ryder.--The bill, ryder and amendment were laid on the table.

Call of the Senate.--A motion was made to adjourn, on which the ayes and noes were demanded. No quorum voting.

Mr. Paxton moved that there be a call of the Senate. Agreed to, and the Clerk proceeded to call the roll, after which the Sergeant-at-Arms was ordered to close the doors of the Senate chamber.

After the call of the roll, and the second calling of absentees, a number of whom were excused for good reasons, further proceedings were dispensed with, and the Senate adjourned.

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