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"An opinion as is an Opinion."

The enigmatical character of some of Lincoln's speeches in regard to his future course, are about on a par with the opinions of that queer character in ‘ "Dombey and Son,"’ Jack Bunsby. Mr. Bunsby is a mariner, and is referred to by his friend Cuttle to decide a most important point — to wit, the probabilities concerning the good ship Son and Heir, which has been some time at sea, and is supposed to have been lost. After examining the charts, comparing dates and stimulating his mental faculties with copious glasses of grog, Bunsby declares, first, that his name is Jack Bunsby; second, that what he says he stands to; third, as to the special matter at issue:--‘"Do I believe this here Son and Heir's gone down? Mayhap. Do I say so? Which?--If a skipper stands out by Sen' George's Channel, making for the Downs, what's right ahead of him? The Goodwins. He isn't forced to run upon the Goodwins, but he may. The bearings of this observation lays in the application on it. That ain't no part of my duty. Avast there, keep a bright lookout for'ard, and good luck to you."’ The novelist proceeds to state that Captain Cuttle was immensely delighted with Bunsby's oracular giving out, which has since been immortalized in the familiar expression of ‘"an opinion as is an opinion."’

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