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Free from Headache.

--It is quite wonderful to see a cat jump down heights. She never seems to hurt herself, or to feel giddy with the fall; she always falls on her feet, and these are so beautifully padded that they seldom or ever get broken. I never knew of a cat breaking its leg from an accident but in one instance, and that was a French cat, which fell down stairs in the most stupid manner.-- Why does not the cat get a headache after her deep jumps?--why does she not get concussion of the brain as a man or a dog would if he performed a similar acrobatic feat? If we take down one of our dry cats' heads off the keeper's museum wall, and break it up, we shall see that it has a regular partition wall projecting from its sides, a good way in wards, toward the centre, so as to prevent the brain from suffering from concussion. This is, indeed, a beautiful contrivance, and shows an admirable internal structure, made in wonderful conformity with external form and nocturnal habits.

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