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Union demonstration in Baltimore.

The Union party had a grand demonstration in Baltimore, Thursday night, including a procession of Minute Men on foot and horses. The Sun says:

‘ The horses of the mounted men were elegantly caparisoned, decked with flags and strung with bells, the riders carrying variously colored globular lamps and flags. In the procession of citizens were covered transparencies representing the States of the Union. At 8 o'clock the line moved in the following order: Mounted Minute Men, Minute Men on foot, civic bodies — such an uproar of bells, glare of torches, and strains of music bands as now rose mingled on the air, was never witnessed before perhaps in Baltimore, while the thousands that filled the sidewalks and windows, came the clank of bells, and cheer upon cheer. The number in line was estimated at 2,000 Minute Men on foot, 250 mounted, and 500 citizens, making in all 2,750. The number of persons who blocked the sidewalks, and witnessed the display was not less than 50,000.

Among the novelties that appeared in the line was a blacksmith forge upon wheels, men working the bellows and forging, under the motto, ‘"Home Industry;"’ an immense flower wreath, in the shape of a bell; chariot, with temple and goddess of liberty, represented by a lady; a cedar tree, 20 feet high, upon a wagon, dressed with flags; a team of six mules, with bells, drawing a wagon containing a bell weighing 2,000 pounds, constantly ringing; and a wagon burning red fire.

At the corner of Baltimore and Charles sts., the headquarters of the Union party, a battery of Roman candles, in the shape of a pyramid, was let off, and a large bell in the second story rung while the precession was passing. Along North Charles street, red, white and blue fire was burned from the house-tops and windows, and the effect was very grand.--Through other thoroughfares a similar illumination and greeting awaited the procession on the route to Monument Square, where the procession dismissed, and participated in the mass meeting, which was proceeding when the procession reached the square, about eleven o'clock. The stand bore above the speaker's desk the motto, ‘"The Union, the Constitution, and the Enforcement of the Laws,"’ and on either side the portraits of John Bell, of Tennessee, and Edward Everett, of Massachusetts. The stand was appropriately dressed with flags, and lit with full jets of gas. Capt. Minnick's band early occupied the stand.

’ A Republican ‘"Mass"’ Meeting was held on the same night, and a company of ‘"Wide Awakes,"’ bearing torches, marched to the Front Street Theatre, where it took place. They were greeted with groans and hisses all along the route. The same paper adds:

At the corner of Lombard and Charles streets some bricks were thrown into the procession, and several of the spectators were struck by them. One or two lamps were smashed here, and as many arrests made.--The march to the theatre was literally a forced one, and made in the face of much insult and annoyance. At the theatre, another rush was made upon the procession as the members were entering the doors, and a number of arrests were made of parties detected in the act of throwing bricks and other missiles into the procession. Rev. French S. Evans addressed the meeting, which was broken about 10 o'clock in the wildest confusion.

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